Saturday, September 22, 2012

Stop BS-ing Yourself...Eating Healthy Is Easy!

Ok listen; I understand that most of us, most of the time, need getting something to eat to be quick and easy because of our fast-paced lifestyles. But please believe me that going through the drive thru day in and day out is not the answer. Neither is the junk at kiosks all over the place, convenient stores, or the last-minute junk food at the checkout lane in some chain stores.

Quick and easy can be, well, easy, to do at home! 

People use all different types of excuses to justify why they binge on junk food. I have heard some ridiculous things like one woman telling me she eats about 4 slices or so of pizza for dinner because she really hadn’t had anything to eat ALL DAY. She wasn’t sure why she was gaining flabby weight. Turns out, that “nothing” that she had all day really was a glazed cinnamon bun and latte for breakfast, 6 hours later a bag of M&M’s and a coke for lunch and then maybe some nibbles of other things at the office here and there throughout the day.


A couple things could happen here to fix the dilemma. First, obviously sitting down and writing out what one actually consumes allows one to see REALITY. Next, some might be confused as to why this woman would still be hungry if she ate that many calories. Well, let me clear it up. She had all un-nutritious and un-filling foods. Nothing that neither gave her energy nor kept her from feeling as though she was running on empty. Simple fixes like replacing the latte with a skim-milk version or just a coffee with a little cream and sugar, replacing the cinnamon bun with whole grain toast and an egg-white omelet would give her a much-needed jolt first thing in the morning. The combination of good carbs and protein can do wonders for your body! Avoiding going 6-hours in between meals by eating lower-calorie meals more frequently throughout the day is a great way to keep your metabolism revving all day long.

Whether you are on the road running errands, bringing the kids here and there, at the office…whatever and wherever…you can always avoid the hunger trap. You go so long without eating that you get to a point where anything will do. Think about yourself and make it a priority to eat better and keep yourself fed and watered. J Always have little snack bags of trail mix, fresh fruit that doesn’t need to be refrigerated (i.e. bananas and apples), a granola bar, or a packet of tuna and crackers handy in your purse, diaper bag, center console. If you have a little cooler pack throw in a string cheese, yogurt cup, carrots, grapes, etc. BUT KEEP THIS IN MIND: Don’t Eat It All At Once! Think of it as an emergency stash that will be used to tide you over until you are home to cook or heat up a healthy meal.

I think I am starting to get a little long-winded now so I’ll wrap this up. My point with this post is that there really is NO EXCUSE to get so hungry you eat anything in sight thus derailing you, yet again, from your health and fitness goals. If you want to be healthy, lose weight or whatever THAN DO IT! 

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