I am a creature of habit. I love to have a list to follow every day so I can feel accomplishment. Every night I sit down for a few minutes and jot everything down that I want to get done the next day and apply a time-line to it. I start early, around 0630, because my 18-month-old likes to be my alarm clock. Well, today was different. We had bad thunder storms last night that kept everyone awake. That, coupled with my husband closing our door and the kids door all the way, made me sleep in. The older kids slept later because they were up late because of the storm and I didn't hear my son singing and jibber-jabbering (I love made up words). Instead of getting everyone feed and out the door by 0745 to the gym so I can get the older ones to camp on time, that's about when we all woke up! I initially felt irritated, but I planned for this! I let us all chill around the house until time for camp, brought them and then brought my son with me to the gym and still back before his naptime or time to pick the kids up! I was definitely more rushed, but I got all my morning "chores" done and felt much more relaxed the rest of the day.
Bottom Line: I knew in advance what I would do if I faced this situation. Having a plan allowed me to stay calm so I didn't freak out on the kids, and allowed me to get a great workout in. It definitely helped that I had a prepared 30-minute blast session ready for times like this!
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