Monday, August 20, 2012

ME: Before and After...

So, I guess it's about time I share with you my before and after story. I mean, before when I was a big, bloated pregnant woman and now! Here's a long story short (I down-played my food obsession when I had my little guy in my belly!)

During my 7-month pregnancy (my little guy was excited to get out into the world, his personality is too big to be cooped up!) I gained between 25-30 pounds. I can't imagine what that number would have been if I made it to 9 months!

I stayed very active throughout, in fact, I ran and won a 5K (for my age/gender group) when I was 5 months along! But I'm pretty sure my extreme cravings for boxed mac 'n cheese and chocolate cake were to blame! I was a always a chicken breast and egg whites kind of girl, but I absolutely hated both during the entire 7 months. I still ate veggies, fruit and lean protein but ate a bunch of junk on top of it.

The next thing I'm about to tell you might make you hate me, or maybe not believe me, but I assure you it's true. Ask anyone that knows me and they'll back me up. After I had my son I got back to my pre-pregnancy weight within 3 weeks! Yes, weeks!

I attribute my workouts before, during and after as well as jumping immediately back to a healthy food lifestyle to my success. Proudly, I am weighing in less than I did before I had my little guy AND am more toned and stronger.

I love my body and am thankful for what it has done and what it can do when I take care of it!

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