I constantly search for the most effective exercises AND super-easy ways to make nutritious and tasty meals. Follow me to learn how I stay fit and healthy despite being a wife, entrepreneur, full-time student and mother of a very active family! Showing yourself some love by staying fit and healthy leads to a happier life...FOR ALL! ;)
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Apples To Apples
I'm using this as my blog post today because it's applicable to when one is trying to find the right personal trainer. Recently, a few friends of mine asked me for tips and pointers on how to determine if their trainer's are legit and it made me think of all of this.
Trainers are like apples. They are all in the same field, but there are ones that are "healthier", or better, for you. Ones that stand out from the rest because they are passionate and driven to help you meet your fitness and health goals. Just because someone is a trainer does not mean you should hire them. Ask a bunch of questions and get a feel for their style before you commit.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
If Carol Can Do It So Can You!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Sitting Versus Standing
Today, after the girl called me back at 1230 for my 1200 appointment I decided to close my eyes and just breathe instead of being bitchy and irritable! Then, when she was done putting the highlights in I stood up and read a magazine. The ladies who were around me looked at me like I was nuts, but I didn't care because I needed to stretch my spine and burn an extra couple of calories.
They weren't the types that would understand why I decided to stand as opposed to sit. One girl was so hunched in her seat she was practically sitting in her own lap! Another was slouched so bad that my back hurt for her!
I know that standing is better for you in multiple ways, but I couldn't resist my urge to do a quick Google search to see what other people are saying. I like looking at livestrong.com, although not as credible as a journal, because they have real quick down-n-dirty explanations. So here's the link I checked out.
I am that woman who will find the furthest parking spot from the store I'm going to AND am the woman who will stand whenever I can rather than sit...always looking for that little extra!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
1 Out Of 14
If I have a little cooler packed with healthy snacks, meals, drinks or whatever than I don't have an excuse to eat naughty foods and say "there was nothing else to choose from". I prepped a salad last night, a natural peanut butter and low-sugar jam on a whole grain bread flat, a pear and a huge bottle of water. I then neatly tucked them into my sons little lunch box (carried the water) and headed off to school. Snack time struck and I was prepared with half the sandwich flat and a pear. Lunchtime came around and I have my delicious and filling salad while everyone else grabbed Taco Bell, foot-long subs, or a bag of chips (full-size bag!).
Here's my point. If someone REALLY wants to eat healthy they WILL find a way and not an EXCUSE! I just finished eating and feel re-energized for the rest of the day, ready for my gym session and excited to get home and spend quality time with my family! Meanwhile, the guy next to me scarfed down at least 1 burrito and 2 taco supremes and is sitting here in a coma! Figure out the healthy basics and make it happen!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Listen To Your Body
I am sometimes terrible and listening to all the ways my body tries to tell me to relax a bit but today my ears were wide open. I slept maybe 2 hours last night, not by choice, and had to get up at 0630 to go sit in class for 7 long, dry hours!
My plan was to knock out a killer upper body focused circuit at the gym but I took my sorry ass home instead. I can't nap to save my life but I unsuccessfully tried. I relaxed and spent time with my son then when he went to bed I broke out the bubbles and green tea for a relaxing bath.
I honestly don't feel too guilty because I usually take off on Sundays so I'm just going to switch my days this weekend.
Tomorrow I have class again but this exhausted girl is going to bed immediately after I finish this post so I can't use the tired excuse again!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Yummy "Spanish Night" Dinner...A Tribute To My Step-Kids!
My version of enchiladas...my step-kids are half puerto-rican and we sometimes have "spanish night" dinners. They weren't here tonight but I made this meal with them in mind. :)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Slice 1 chicken breast into 4 horizontal pieces. Lightly season both sides with salt and pepper. Heat 1 tsp olive oil in saute pan over med-high heat. Saute on each side roughly 2-3 minutes (or until slightly browned). Put in oven for additional 5 minutes (this will ensure it's cooked through and doesn't dry-out). Take out, let it cool, then dice it up.
In same saute pan (lightly spray...should still have a slightly oil coated pan), add 1/2 diced pepper, 1 diced carrot. Cook for about 3-4 minutes. Add 1 can rinsed black beans, 1 diced shallot, 2 cloves diced garlic, 1/2 cup frozen, 1/2 cup frozen corn, sprinkling of Adobo Light seasoning. Cook until heated through. Add chicken.
Break out the whole grain tortillas. Add mixture to the center of 6 tortillas, fold one side over and then the other. Lightly spray casserole dish and lay tortillas folded side down.
Pour 1 10-14 oz can of enchilada sauce (or homemade if you have it) over all tortillas. Pop it in the oven for about 25 minutes (+/- depending on your oven...sides will brown and tortillas will have absorbed most of the sauce). Sprinkle with cheese (I used 2% Mexican Blend). Put back in the oven to let the cheese melt. Eat as is or top with sour cream (or plain, non-fat Greek yogurt), salsa, diced tomatoes, lettuce...or whatever you want!
I served it with a side of steamed Brussels sprouts. :) Enjoy!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Today's LEG Day
My normal routine is to jump out of bed, throw on my workout clothes, get him changed and teeth brushed and head downstairs. We both have breakfast and head out the door to the gym. Sometimes, I stay home and go for a run around my neighborhood instead or I'll work out at home.
Going to the gym is...interesting...to me because I am a huge people-watcher! My #1 favorite thing to do that I can do practically anywhere! Also, my son can go socialize in the child care room for a while and we can check out the "fishes" in the tank on the way in and out.
Today I got to the gym less than motivated because my body aches so bad. Once I got started though it was an entirely different story. I LOVE working legs because I can feel myself getting stronger and stronger in the things that I do during my workout and throughout daily life. So here is my leg session from today:
I have terrible hand-writing so here it is...
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Start Small, Finish Big
You might think that was a positive thing because it would increase resistance and add weight to my run. Yes, that's all great but the stroller does not steer well and it kills my shoulder and back! He was saying "mommyyyyyyyyy" practically the whole time which actually made the time fly a bit. We got back to the house and I was a sweaty mess.
Instead of jumping in the shower and getting something to eat I brought my son and the stroller into my house, asked my mom (who lives with us) to watch him and went for another run by myself! I didn't have my Garmin during my run so as my husband, son and I were coming back from the beach today (we walked up and down the boardwalk too!) we drove my route and found that I had ran an ADDITIONAL 5 miles! In total it actually came out to be about 8.3 miles. I haven't ran that distance, especially on NOT-FLAT roads, in quite some time but I felt so great physically and mentally.
What's funny is that my initial goal was to run at least 3 miles, that was my absolute minimum. After accomplishing my goal and realizing I still had time and energy to push out more I took full advantage. My point is this...set attainable goals and reach further. If you initially plan for more than you are capable for you could set yourself up for failure and disappointment.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
My Healthy "Dessert"
-1 individual-sized fruit-on-the-bottom Greek yogurt (only use the actual yogurt part, not the fruit. I promise that taste's good and has the fruity flavor)
-About 1 Tbsp chopped almond, walnuts or pecans (whatever you like!)
-Handful of some kind of crunchy, low-sugar cereal (I always use Kashi brands...or Kix :))
-Half of a banana, sliced
-About 1/4 cup raspberries, blueberries, strawberries (again, whatever you like!)
-Sprinkle of cinnamon
-Here's how to put it together: Mix the yogurt, fruit, cinnamon, and nuts until all ingredients are incorporated and PUT IT IN THE FREEZER for about 5-10 minutes. Make sure the bowl gets icy and the texture thickens up a bit. Throw the crunchy cereal in and eat up! It really is delicious and can get had throughout the day. I just find it really fills me up and satisfies my sweet tooth. If you need more sweetness, drizzle some Agave or honey over top.
I had some last night and took a picture....sorry....
Monday, August 20, 2012
ME: Before and After...
During my 7-month pregnancy (my little guy was excited to get out into the world, his personality is too big to be cooped up!) I gained between 25-30 pounds. I can't imagine what that number would have been if I made it to 9 months!
I stayed very active throughout, in fact, I ran and won a 5K (for my age/gender group) when I was 5 months along! But I'm pretty sure my extreme cravings for boxed mac 'n cheese and chocolate cake were to blame! I was a always a chicken breast and egg whites kind of girl, but I absolutely hated both during the entire 7 months. I still ate veggies, fruit and lean protein but ate a bunch of junk on top of it.
The next thing I'm about to tell you might make you hate me, or maybe not believe me, but I assure you it's true. Ask anyone that knows me and they'll back me up. After I had my son I got back to my pre-pregnancy weight within 3 weeks! Yes, weeks!
I attribute my workouts before, during and after as well as jumping immediately back to a healthy food lifestyle to my success. Proudly, I am weighing in less than I did before I had my little guy AND am more toned and stronger.
I love my body and am thankful for what it has done and what it can do when I take care of it!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Energy For Mommy And Son!
Farmer's Market Rice Bowl
-1 carrot, diced
-1/2 tomato, diced
-1/2 chopped green pepper
-1 shallot, diced
-1-2 cups fresh baby spinach
-1 clove garlic, diced
-2 tsp olive oil
-1 chicken breast
-1 cup cooked brown rice (I used leftover rice I had from the night before)
-1 tsp adobo powder
1. Slice chicken breast, horizontally, into 4 thin pieces. Place into plastic storage bag with 1 tsp olive oil and 1/2 tsp adodo powder. (preferably the night before so flavors can penetrate)
2. Heat pan over medium-high heat and cook chicken 4 minutes per side (let it get a nice browning on both sides then throw it in a 350 degree oven for 5 minutes to finish cooking...usually comes out juicier).
3. In the same pan, add the rest of the olive oil to saute pan, cook pepper and carrot for about 5 minutes. Add tomato, shallot, spinach and garlic and cook for another 3-4 minutes. Throw rice in for a few minutes to heat through...
Here it is with the chicken (and a side of Italian Pizza Bread)...
(Italian Pizza Bread...saute some spinach, shallots, tomatos, and garlic in olive oil. Add some Morning Star meat crumbles and heat through. While that's all cooking, break out your box of Healthy Heart Bisquick and mix up 1/3 cup with about 1 tbsp water or until it makes a slightly thick batter. Mix in any herbs you desire. Pour into greased 4x8 pan or larger if you want a thinner crust. Top with sauteed mixture. Cook for aout 22 minutes at 400 degrees.)
After our yummy dinner, Tyler and I went for a walk...well, he ran and I chased after him!
I took today off from working out (Sundays are my rest day) but I still had some energy from dinner so I pumped out a few incline push-ups on my countertop. Yes, doing them this way makes them easier, but it was just part of my "active rest"!
Sweat It Out?
Some people believe that they are releasing impurities from their bodies. For example, I know some people who make it a point to have a workout the morning after drinking because they think it gets rid of the toxins. Others believe that if they are sick getting soaked with sweat is the best thing for them.
I have been in both positions...I've had nights out with a few drinks in me (who's counting?) and I have been sick to the point where I've convinced myself to try anything to feel better. But in actuality I never physically felt better after either.
From personal experience, I have found a great connection between physical activity and how I mentally cope with things. After working out in each scenario I am always happy that I made myself workout because of all the other benefits, but I am never felt "cleansed".
Here's my thought process on why. Your sweat glands are in your skin, not internal where these "toxins" are located. By sweating, you lose water weight, which in certain situations is a good thing, but those toxins are still inside. Being sick or recovering from a night after drinking is not one of those "certain situations" because your body is dehydrated already.
Soooo, bottom line, unless you downed tons of water sweating it out is not always best because it can be counter-productive. That's just my thoughts on it...
Friday, August 17, 2012
Wanna See Me Flax?
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Staying Focused On My Dream
When I went in they gave me an offer to start immediately and would classify me as a level-3 (out of 4 levels) trainer. I felt pretty good about myself at that point! But comparing how the system works to what kind of compensation I'd be looking at I was baffled! Talk about a customer service job...what could be more customer dedicated than a personal trainer?! Yet, the gym takes more than half of what the customer is charged (and that's a hefty price!).
On top of all that, I feel like they get one over on the clients too. They don't really seem motivated by helping someone reach their fitness goals.
Long story short, I am glad to be going the direction that I am as an In-Home Personal Trainer. I get to work in different environments and really dedicate my efforts to my clients. If you are looking for major body changes and are considering getting a trainer, be cautious and don't feel obligated to work with just any old trainer at your gym. There are many people out there that are knowledgable and motivated to help you!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
1/2 and 1/2 Meatloaf
1 CAN OF BLACK BEANS (drained, rinsed, and slightly smashed up)
1 tsp Olive Oil
1 Carrot, Diced
2 Cloves of Garlic, Minced
1 Small Onion, Diced
1 Celery Stalk
1 lb 96% Lean Ground Beef
1 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
1/4 cup Ketchup
1/4 cup Oats
1 egg (or 2 egg whites)
- Saute carrot, garlic and onion in olive oil. After 2-3 minutes, add beans and sauté for another 2-3 minutes. Then turn burner off.
- Mix in diced celery and pour into a bowl to let cool.
- Add in all other ingredients and mix well.
- Transfer onto a cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil. Top with about 1 Tbsp of the ketchup (optional)
- 350 degrees for about 40-50 minutes
Workout That Makes You Want To Throw Up!
Equipment Required:
Dumbbells (or homemade weights...water bottle with water and sand work good)
- Burpees
- Split Squat w/Lateral Raises
- Tricep Push-ups
- Reverse Crunch
- Around-The-Clock Push-ups...go all the way around in one direction (second set you'll go the opposite direction)
- Deadlift, Reverse Curl, Squat, Over-head Press Combo
- Warrior 3 w/Kickbacks
- Elbow-Knee Touches
This alone kicked my butt, but I then followed it up with box jumps, pull-ups, rows, triceps push-downs, and calf raises! Looking at the list of my workout I can't help but think "damn, I'm small but mighty!"
Monday, August 13, 2012
Motivated To Blog About Fitness...Really Because I Had Too Much Expresso!
Let me back-track a bit about how the day started. I set my alarm for 630am so I could take our 18-month-old with me for a run outside. My intention was to get up right before he did (he usually wakes around then) so I could prepare his sippy and breakfast and get the jogging stroller out. Well, 7am came around then 715am and he was still sleeping so I got up early for no reason! Since we were on a time crunch (wanted to leave for Hershey by 9 since it's over 2 hours away) I went out by myself for a strong 5-mile run.
When I got back I got ready, made breakfast and we got on the road at our scheduled time. We got back a few minutes ago at 10pm so I'm sure you can imagine how exhausted we all must be (mentally too because we had to deal with the whining and crying due to excessive sleepiness from Alana!). But she's so cute so it's ok!
The last thing I'll let you know about my day is that I did not eat entirely clean. I was at Hershey so of course I HAD to eat some chocolate. But I did great with keeping it balanced by having salads, chicken and lots of water. Plus, if you haven't been to Hershey before, let me fill you in on how crazy hilly it is. Good thing I love the feeling of burning glutes! My coffee high is wearing off so I think it's shower-time and bed-time. I have a few great workouts I wrote up during our journey that I can't wait to share with you tomorrow. Oh, and coming soon, I will be posting exercise pictures and videos!! Goodnight!
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Saturday, August 11, 2012
Sneaky, sneaky
Anyone who has ever tried "Amanda's Cookies" knows I can whip up a mean batch and they usually ask for more! I've only given my secret recipe out to a select few (I have to admit I am still upset that I gave it out). Anyway! About 930 tonight I decided to make some cookies with a couple minor, and healthy, substitutions to see if my family notices tomorrow when we take them on our trip to the Cape May Zoo. The original recipe is NOT healthy what-so-ever so I'm hoping this goes well. I can't give you my recipe but I can tell you I snuck in cinnamon, oats, DARK chocolate and used 1 egg white & 1 egg instead of 2 eggs. Until the taste test...

Mix-It-Up Quickie Workout
A Few Extra Steps
Yes, I am that person who parks in the spot the furthest from the store I'm going to! Every step counts people!

Friday, August 10, 2012
Post Workout Pic
I am a pretty modest person but my recent workout changes have given me a little more confidence. Here's my result from keeping a fresh workout!

Training Tory: DAY 2
Thursday, August 9, 2012
180 Calorie Energy Snack

So What It's Wheat?
Now, here's my point. Wheat foods have the same or more calories as their "white" counterparts. Yes, wheat and whole grains have exponential health benefits but we're talking calories here.
If ones intent is to maintain or lose weight, you must maintain a calorie intake that matches your goal. This sounds much like common sense, but forgive me for sounding cliche, common sense isn't common!
Here's my bit of advice. Take it or leave it.
Begin to write down everything you eat (including tastes and nibbles). This sounds harder than it is because you really only have to do it for a few days. I would include maybe Friday through Monday so you're getting weekdays and weekends to see where you're going overboard. I also recommend including the times you eat and how you felt. (7am because you were following the rules to eat first thing in the morning, and then 8am because...hmmm, not sure why). This will help you face the realism that you are eating too much, too often, or both!
If you want to lost weight, you have to stick to the rule of burning more than you eat. You have to cut out/burn off 3,500 calories a week to lose 1lb! This is where eating the healthier versions of foods helps. If you eat that sweet potatoe instead of the white potatoe you won't become ravenous in another hour and have to eat again. The healthier options have more fiber, protein, and "good" carbs. Another option is still eating what you love, white potatoes in sticking with my example, but eating less and then incorporating a more water-dense food. When I eat the "bad" white potatoe, I will usually only eat about half and then have a big salad with cucumbers, celery, and cherry tomatoes on the side. This keeps me satisfied and increases my nutrient intake all while keeping calories low.
By now I think you get my point. Sorry to make a short story long, but I've heard way too often people complain that they eat healthy and don't lose weight. Again, one calorie = one calorie...and 3,500 calories = 3,500 calories!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Monkey See, Monkey Do
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Workout With Tory: DAY 1
Although she does want to lose weight, our primary focus is toning and tightening. I do believe in a healthy weight, but I also feel it is important to love how you look and feel.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Plan For the UN-Expected...
Bottom Line: I knew in advance what I would do if I faced this situation. Having a plan allowed me to stay calm so I didn't freak out on the kids, and allowed me to get a great workout in. It definitely helped that I had a prepared 30-minute blast session ready for times like this!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
What's Your Workout Threshold?
Saturday, August 4, 2012
It's a Mind Game
Friday, August 3, 2012
The Story Of Tory! ;)
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Proud Parent Accomplishment
Bet you're wondering what I put in them, huh? I won't keep it a secret...
Minced chicken
Chick peas
Wheat Germ
Flax Seed
Parmesan Cheese
Olive Oil
The crescent rolls come in a package of 8 so you can either put them in the fridge for a couple days or see if this tactic works for the rest of the family!