Friday, January 25, 2013

Health And Fitness Is Not Just About Fitting Into Your Skinny Jeans!

Having a flat stomach, tight butt and lean legs are things that most women strive for when they think about exercising. The fact the summer, aka bathing suit season, always seems to be right around the corner (it's in 146 days from today...June 21st, 2013!) is usually daunting once we surpass the New Years. In fact, most people tie their New Years Resolutions to something weight-loss related in preparation for being able to comfortably go to the beach!

If looking good is enough to get you to workout at least 30 minutes a day at a moderate to high-intensity than that's fantastic! I am not going to hate on you and to be completely honest, I would say about 50% of my reasoning to workout is contributed to liking how I look. ;)

BUT there are way more [important] reasons to become a daily exerciser. An unbelievable number of people have been diagnosed with serious health conditions. Key word there is "diagnosed"...there are likely an almost equal amount of people who have not yet been diagnosed because they don't go to the doctor or don't get tested. I'm talking about health issues such as obesity (this alone leads to a crazy amount of terrible health problems), diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and even cancer AND the list goes on!

As a personal trainer I have worked with people who have battled diseases likely caused by poor lifestyle choices. I know that a sound exercise program, if appropriately prescribed and adhered to, is the one thing that can help you beat back the progress of any health related condition. 

Obesity is one of the greatest health challenges of our time. Increasing consumption of fatty, greasy, processed food and lack of physical movement is only going to make our world become fatter. The answer to fix such problem is easy; CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE. Consume less but better quality food. Create opportunities for daily fitness in everyday life AND exercise programs. The most important thing to understand about the severity of being obese IS NOT YOUR SCALE WEIGHT, but the health complications it exposes you to. 

Heart attacks kill a ridiculous number of people every year and high blood pressure and diabetes are affecting younger and younger people with every generation. Our diets continue to get worse and less balanced and video games have become a convenient babysitter. It's no wonder why kids who haven't even reached double-digit ages are being treated for heart disease! And the crazy thing about heart disease is that it does not only affect people who are obese-fat, it also affect those skinny-fat people...the ones who eat junk all the time and still appear thin. 

Bottom Line: Eat better for your health and get in some form of daily activity. Don't just live for the now, live for your future!

Best of Health,
Amanda Chubb

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