Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Workout To Maximize Your Results In A Shorter Time!

Shamefully, I admit that I was once one of those women who went to the gym nearly every day of the week to run on the treadmill, jump off after at least 30 minutes then hope on to the elliptical for at least another 30 minutes, and then on to the next cardio machine! Sometimes I would do at least an hour on each!!!

Is that crazy? VERY!

Not only was it crazy but it was a huge waste of time and really beat my body up! I was not incorporating any strength training at all so not only was I doing an excessive amount of cardio but I was putting my spaghetti arms and legs through a constant beating! 

One day I woke up and realized that the only thing I got from the ridiculous amount of time I spent in the gym was stick figure arms and legs and a flat butt! I started picking up the weights and loved how my body started shaping and let me tell you, feeling strong physically does loads to helping you feel stronger emotionally and mentally!!!

I never lost my addiction to cardio, but I have certainly minimized it substantially. Now, I only do cardio machines 3 times a week. I also do 3 days of weight training with Plyometrics moves mixed in to keep my heartrate up and I take 1 rest day. 

 *****Here is a workout I did the other day for Legs/Core*****

5 Minutes Treadmill Warm-up: 10% Incline, 3.5 Speed

1 TRI-SET (10-15 reps each)
   Plie Squat
   Front Loaded Squat

1 CARDIO  (10-15 reps of each OR 30 seconds each)
   a. 180 Squat Jumps- Squat down and as you jump up twist until you turn your body 180 degrees. 

   b. Reverse Lunge w/Front Kick- From standing position, step back with right leg and bring your   knee down until both legs complete 90 degree angles. Push off the floor with your right leg and bring it into a kick in front of you. Complete reps, switch to opposite leg. 

   c. Clock Jumps- Jump forward, back, to the left then to the right. Continue for set amount of time or sets.

   d. Speed Skaters- Cross your left leg behind your right leg as you bend your right knee 90 degrees. Extend your right arm out to your side and swing your left arm across your right leg. Jump a few feet to the other side, switching the position of your legs and arms. That’s one rep. Continue jumping from side to side until you’ve done completed reps or set time. 

   e. Pop Squats- Stand with arms extended overhead (or at shoulder height). Place feet slightly wider than hip-width with toes slightly pointed outward. Sit back into a squat (make sure knees don't go over toes), push through your heels and jump up. Immediately land back into a squat and continue until you complete reps or set time. 

   f. Toe-Taps- Stand in front of a step or bench. Tap toes of left foot onto the edge of the step/bench. Alternate feet at a fast speed keeping only one foot on the floor/one on the step/bench at all times. Tip: Keep your shoulders relaxed. The more you do and faster you go you will notice building tension in your shoulders. Remember to relax them and breath and the exercise will not be as taxing. 

~Complete TRI-SET exercises immediately followed by CARDIO exercises. Rest for 30-45 seconds, repeat for a total of 2-3 sets before moving to (2) exercises below. 

2 TRI-SET  (10-15 Reps Each)

Split Squat
Hamstring Curls (stability ball)
Calf Raises


~Complete TRI-SET exercises immediately followed by CARDIO exercises. Rest for 30-45 seconds, repeat for a total of 2-3 sets before moving to (3) exercises below.

Hip Abductors
Hip Adductors
Donkey Kicks


Finish with another 5 minute treadmill walk followed by stretching. 

- Follow exactly as above but make sure to keep rest times no more than 30 seconds

- Do only 2 sets of each and follow as listed

- Complete only 1 set of each TRI-SET 1, CARDIO, TRI-SET 2, CARDIO, TRI-SET 3

- Do only CARDIO. Complete each exercise back to back, rest for 30-45 seconds and complete up to a total of 4 times.


Best of Health,
Amanda Chubb

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