Sunday, September 16, 2012

When To Take The Reigns On Your Health

How do you know when it’s time to really get a handle on your health and fitness? Do you go by how your clothes fit? How about that reflection in the mirror? Can’t hoof it up a flight of stairs without feeling like you are going to collapse?

All of these instances tend to make people say or think, “Man, I’m out of shape…I need to get to the gym” but rarely do they ACTUALLY go!

I would say that there are many reasons such as lack of knowledge on how to workout out properly, effectively, etc. BUT, more commonly, there is no REAL motivation. So how about trying this out to remind you of the importance of fitting in time each day to be active?

Make it real by stepping on the scale and TAKE A PICTURE. Yes, I know that is a terrible thing to tell any woman! No one likes to reveal the secret number, but the scale doesn’t lie! I do believe it's more important to go by how you feel than your weight, but when talking health that number is important. Don’t like how you look? Don’t cover up in a bunch of clothes, but rather, tear it all off (with the exception of a bathing suit or under garments) and take a picture. Test your ability to perform a daily living type of activity such as walking up and down the stairs. Jot down in a journal how many times you can walk up and down the steps before you get a feeling of having to keel over and note how you felt.

Hopefully, one of these suggestions helps you out. I’d love to hear!

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