Thursday, September 13, 2012

Proper Form Is Not As Easy As You Think

So, about two days ago I witnessed the funniest thing I have ever seen! Well, at least at the time that's what it felt like. I have a workout area set up in my basement with mats spread out on the floor. It also doubles as a play space for my son so when he falls (it's a given that he will) he doesn't get another "ouch".

My mom brought him down to play to get him out from under my feet when I was working. I finished up and went down to run around with him. As my mom was sitting there on my weight bench I decided to test her fitness abilities. Mind you, I have never seen her perform any type of workout in my 28 years!

I asked her to get on the ground in push up position and she HAD NO IDEA how to do it! As first, I thought to myself are you serious...who doesn't know proper push up form? I held back my initial reaction and politely told her that I would show her. I demonstrated a big girl push up (on hands and toes) and then explained to her that since she had never done a push up that I can bet she's not on that level! I showed her the "girl push up" version and had her take position.

This is the funny part...after I showed her, she got on hands and knees with a flat back and dropped her chin to the floor! We corrected her form and she tried it the right way but that didn't end any better! She held herself up but as soon as she attempted to lower herself she completely flopped to the floor! When she realized how weak she was she rolled on her side and laughed harder than I have ever seen her laugh before. It made me crack up too but also encouraged me to try some other exercises with her to see how she would comprehend and perform.

I had her sit on the stability ball and instructed her to step out and let the ball roll up her back until it was between her shoulder blades. She CLEARLY did not understand the detailed narrative OR the visual instruction because she rolled right off the ball! To make it even better, as she was mid-roll my son decided to pick up bouncy balls and throw them at her!

As funny as it was, I feel so bad that she has absolutely no idea how to workout. But, because I took some initiative to show her she has asked me to show her other things such as how to stretch. This made me think about people who DON'T know anything about fitness, WANT to know how to exercise properly and effectively, but WON'T seek advise or help. I'm glad I took that step to help my mom...only wish I had reached out to her sooner!

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