Last night my husband and I went to Atlantic City (AC) to watch his friend fight in the Bellator fight. Our 1-year anniversary was on September 24th so we used this little trip as our way to celebrate.
In the morning I got up at 645, made a bowl of oatmeal, got dressed, brushed my teeth, exciting morning routine! I headed out to the gym at about 730 and got home a little after 9. I took my son for a walk to feed the ducks, came home and played then I jumped in the shower and headed off to meet with a client. I trained with her, stopped at the store to pick up a few things (had to get my natural peanut butter, fish oil and diapers for my little one!). I grabbed a banana and protein/fiber bar at the store. Once I got home I got my son ready for his doctor's appointment, grabbed an apple and headed out the door. 30 minutes later we got to the doctor, got seen and then headed home. I made up a 32oz bottle of Green Tea (used 4 bags), squeezed a whole lemon in it and threw a bunch of ice in it to bring with me on the road. With 30 minutes to spare before it was time to leave for AC I threw a bunch of stuff in my over-night bag and we headed out.
On the way, we grabbed huge waters and turkey sandwiches on rye with a bunch of veggies and spicy mustard. YUM! No fattening, artery-clogging chips on the side. With the fights starting at 6-ish we had to hurry so when we got to the hotel I jumped in the shower, got dressed and headed to the fight at Caesar's Casino. After the fight we did a lot of walking, dancing, bar/club-hopping and a decent amount of drinking. :) Next thing we knew, it was about 2am. Not really being accustomed to late nights I was beyond ready to crawl into bed!
This morning we got up at about 930, grabbed breakfast at a diner on the way home (egg white omelet with lots of veggies, dry wheat toast and coffee...but then I gave in and had my husband chase down the waitress to add a side of sausage!) I'm not proud but it was delicious!
Despite the late night drinking here's what makes me feel really good about this morning and this moment. When I got home I played with my son then put him down for a nap, unpacked, AND HEADED TO THE GYM! Not only did I go to the gym, but I had one of my best shoulders workouts ever! I know exactly how and why I had the energy. I stuck with choosing well-balanced food options throughout my day (included good carbs, protein and minimal fat), stayed moving, AND followed a workout that I had jotted down on the drive to AC. Thinking about a plan, writing it down and having it to keep myself accountable gave me motivation and something to look forward to. I knew that if I didn't go I would feel disappointed and resent myself so I went and gave it my all! I even networked a little and have a couple more potential clients!

I constantly search for the most effective exercises AND super-easy ways to make nutritious and tasty meals. Follow me to learn how I stay fit and healthy despite being a wife, entrepreneur, full-time student and mother of a very active family! Showing yourself some love by staying fit and healthy leads to a happier life...FOR ALL! ;)
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Machine Hopping
Although I am slightly ashamed to admit, I am a creature of habit. I find myself doing the same thing at the same time every day and when I try to mix it up I get a strong feeling of anxiety. For example, every night I put my protein powder and cinnamon in the blender so I can just throw in the banana, peanut butter, coffee, milk and ice to make it quicker to drink before my workout. Yes, that's right, I said BEFORE!
Here's the problem...
I completely know that consuming protein POST-training is the best possible time to ingest it because it helps repair muscle tears leading to faster recovery and results. But this shake used to be what I had for breakfast every day long ago and even though I am now actually lifting weights (instead of being a cardio blob) when I train I find it extremely hard to bring myself to just wait to drink it afterwards.
I did challenge myself the other day and felt great before my workout and after. I guess admitting I have a problem is the first step to recovery, right? Making it to the point where I actually faced my problem was an even better defeat! I have actually been doing it the "right way" since that day but I think about the delicious taste of my shake during my entire workout and can't wait to get to it!
ANYWAY!!! All of that hoopla that I just wrote was an example of me getting way off course.
My mention of sticking to a schedule was to lead to me informing you of how I wake up early every morning, perform the same routine with my son and then head off to the gym by 8am. I sign him into the daycare room and head off to do my thing. Yesterday "my thing" was a major cardio sweat session on the machines followed by some killer abs. I got on the elliptical/stepper hybrid machine and put it on the highest level with an interval setting. Holy crap was that NOT EASY! When the gym creap-o got on the machine next to me I decided it was time to move to the treadmill and perform the last 15 minutes of my cardio doing sprints while on an incline.
Needless to say, the 45 minutes on the hybrid machine (not really sure what it's called) followed by a crazy treadmill workout gave me a great sweat session. That was the first time in a long time that I did not start and finish on the same machine. I realized at that moment that I became part of the "machine hoppers" as I like to call them. The people who get on a machine then on to the next... And, at that moment, I realized I should stop shaking my head at them and huffing about their lacking workouts because I'm sure that's what they need to do to allow them to get their time in. If they can't stay on one machine for the whole time than so what, at least they are there putting in effort and getting their recommended 30+ minutes a day!
I would say to maybe TRY to stay on a machine for at least 10 minutes at a time and work your way up by including some incline, speed intervals, or a combo of the two. Helps avoid having to wipe off machine after machine! :)
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Stop BS-ing Yourself...Eating Healthy Is Easy!
Ok listen; I understand that most of us, most of
the time, need getting something to eat to be quick and easy because of
our fast-paced lifestyles. But please believe me that going through the drive
thru day in and day out is not the answer. Neither is the junk at kiosks all
over the place, convenient stores, or the last-minute junk food at the checkout
lane in some chain stores.
Quick and easy can be, well, easy, to do at home!
People use all different types of excuses to justify why they binge on
junk food. I have heard some ridiculous things like one woman telling me she
eats about 4 slices or so of pizza for dinner because she really hadn’t had
anything to eat ALL DAY. She wasn’t sure why she was gaining flabby weight.
Turns out, that “nothing” that she had all day really was a glazed cinnamon bun
and latte for breakfast, 6 hours later a bag of M&M’s and a coke for lunch
and then maybe some nibbles of other things at the office here and there
throughout the day.
A couple things could happen here to fix the dilemma. First, obviously
sitting down and writing out what one actually consumes allows one to see
REALITY. Next, some might be confused as to why this woman would still be
hungry if she ate that many calories. Well, let me clear it up. She had all
un-nutritious and un-filling foods. Nothing that neither gave her energy nor
kept her from feeling as though she was running on empty. Simple fixes like replacing
the latte with a skim-milk version or just a coffee with a little cream and
sugar, replacing the cinnamon bun with whole grain toast and an egg-white
omelet would give her a much-needed jolt first thing in the morning. The
combination of good carbs and protein can do wonders for your body! Avoiding
going 6-hours in between meals by eating lower-calorie meals more frequently
throughout the day is a great way to keep your metabolism revving all day long.
Whether you are on the road running errands, bringing the kids here and
there, at the office…whatever and wherever…you can always avoid the hunger
trap. You go so long without eating that you get to a point where anything will
do. Think about yourself and make it a priority to eat better and keep yourself
fed and watered. J Always
have little snack bags of trail mix, fresh fruit that doesn’t need to be
refrigerated (i.e. bananas and apples), a granola bar, or a packet of tuna and
crackers handy in your purse, diaper bag, center console. If you have a little
cooler pack throw in a string cheese, yogurt cup, carrots, grapes, etc. BUT
KEEP THIS IN MIND: Don’t Eat It All At Once! Think of it as an emergency stash
that will be used to tide you over until you are home to cook or heat up a
healthy meal.
I think I am starting to get a little long-winded now so I’ll wrap this
up. My point with this post is that there really is NO EXCUSE to get so hungry
you eat anything in sight thus derailing you, yet again, from your health and
fitness goals. If you want to be healthy, lose weight or whatever THAN DO IT!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Very Veggie Dinner
Being an active person and knowing a thing or two about eating well-rounded, nutritious meals I AM NOT one to cut out carbohydrates from my meals! In fact, I always make sure I include them when planning almost every meal.
Despite your thinking carbs are EXTREMELY important in your daily nutrition. It's just about what kind you choose and, like everything else in life, keeping it limited or "in moderation".
Here's a recipe I whipped up with very little preparation...
2 pints grape tomatoes
6 cloves garlic
1 green pepper
1 small onion
extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper
3 turkey sausage links
1 package of whole grain pasta (use spaghetti squash or rice pasta if you need gluten free)
Throw tomatoes, garlic, chunky-chopped onion, chunky-chopped green pepper, about 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil, and a little salt and pepper on a cookie sheet. Mix it all up so the oil covers all the veggies. Put it in a pre-heated 425 degree oven for roughly 30 minutes (more or less depending on your oven). You will know when to take it out when the tomatoes burst open and there's a caramelized color on everything. Set aside.
While that's in the oven put on a pot of water for the spaghetti and sauté up about 3 turkey sausage links. (Tip: I make sure to let it completely defrost if frozen so I can squeeze the meat out of the casing and throw that out.) As the sausage browns, continue to break it up into small pieces so it mixes throughout the spaghetti. Take out of sauté pan and place on paper towel to get a bit of the fat out. Set aside.
When the water boils throw in your pasta and cook until al dente (according to package directions). Before draining, put a couple spoon-fuls of the pasta water over the veggies (on the pan) and scrap the yummy bits off the bottom.
Go ahead and drain the pasta, add the veggies and sausage and mix until well blended...and you're done! I made this for 3 adults and 1 kid AND to have left-overs...but my husband has a HUGE appetite and apparently LOVED it so he finished it off!
Here's a quick side salad that's just as delicious and even more healthy and filling!
1 can drained chick peas
3 radish's diced
1 kirby cucumber diced
1 clove garlic
1/4 onion thinly sliced
1 tsp olive oil
splash or two of balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper to taste
Mix it all up, cover and refrigerate for roughly an hour (the longer the better)
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Intentions Are Worthless
Have you ever thought about dropping a few pounds, getting healthier, or toning up to be a better version of you? Well go f*cking do it!
Sorry to be so blunt, and border-line offensive...but something needs to be said to get you to leave your excuses at the door.
You've heard "actions speak louder than words" and "don't tell me, show me", right? Well the same adage is applicable to your goals. If you want to get fit than take the steps to do so rather than talk about it.
I've heard so many excuses from people who have supposedly thought about getting "in shape". There are some legit reasons to not partake in an exercise routine, but for the majority most of the excuses are ingrained in peoples minds by their own selves!
Personally, I think it's out of fear of change and doing something else. Perhaps a fear of failing too. To that I say, you can only make a great accomplishment when you work towards something knowing you could fail miserably but do it anyway.
If you want it, go out and make it happen. No excuses!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Surround Yourself With People That Support Your Goals
On a daily basis I try to view the people around me in a light that shows their true intentions. I analyze words and phrases they use, their non-verbal expressions, how they hold themselves and then what they actually do. It's crazy how you can tell how "real" or "fake" a person is by taking a step back to really LOOK at them! I guess that's why I am not a person that will be friends with every living, breathing person...I'm very selective! :)
So how does this tie into health and fitness, you ask?
Well, more than you may think! If you surround yourself in a groups of "friends" that basically encourage you, directly or indirectly, to do things that are not in line with your fitness goals then you are rarely going to meet those goals. (Let's be honest...most people like to fit in and follow what their friends are doing)
I have witnessed women who have ordered huge pieces of cake or fatty appetizers during a meal with a friend who is known to be trying to lose weight. Women who have told their friend to skip their workout to go to a bar and get hammered instead. I understand every is in control of themselves, but when someone knows that a certain action is not in your best interest and does it anyway it's a slap in the face!
So skinny girl go ahead and order cake, but don't be a jerk by doing it when your friend is dying to lose weight! Shovel some veggies in your mouth instead and show your girl support! I have had a few bar nights in my time, but I would never tell someone to skip the gym and go out binging instead! There's definitely ways to work them both in: a great workout and a few that order, too!
If you find yourself being around too many people who are always trying to get you to go against what you want then, my friend, it's time to weed out some people in the sake of your health and sanity!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Kid Friendly Breakfast Recipes
Kid-friendly healthy breakfast options.
Last night I whipped up these Pumpkin Muffins that turned out yummy-delicious right out of the oven and were even more scrumptious warmed up today with a smear of cream cheese (not the healthiest topping, I know, but the blend of flavors is delicious!)
Here's how to make them...
1/2 c. raisins
1 1/4 c. flour
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
2 eggs
10 oz. pumpkin
1/3 c. apple sauce
1/3 c. walnuts
Mix all the dry ingredients together, mix all the wet ingredients and then combine them.
Bake 350 degrees for 30-ish minutes.
I'm partial to left-overs but my son, like my husband, isn't a big leftovers guy. However, he did put one of these muffins away this morning!
Here's my second great recipe of the day.
I like to cook for the future, meaning I hate having to whip up a batch of my "Special Pancakes" every morning (I put fruit, veggies, beans, and meat in them so I can make sure my son is always getting something healthy even if I give in later in the day and give him a bag of Cheetos!) I made alphabet pancakes and what did not get eaten got put in the deep freezer...
Here's how to make them...
1 c. Heart Healthy Bisquick Pancake Mix
1 carrot finely shredded
1/3 c. applesauce
1/2 can of white beans, drained, rinsed, and smashed up
1/2 banana finely diced
Sprinkle of cinnamon
Mix all ingredients. Pour batter on hot griddle, lightly sprayed with cooking spray. If you are going to freeze them like I did, place a piece of parchment paper on a cookie tray, put pancakes on top and let cool completely. Place tray in freezer. Once pancakes are frozen through, removed and put in zip top bag. Enjoy again, and again, and again!
BTW, although I made these for my son I couldn't help but try them. I took a few bites and they were delish! Maybe add a scoop of protein instead of the beans to make an adult version!
Last night I whipped up these Pumpkin Muffins that turned out yummy-delicious right out of the oven and were even more scrumptious warmed up today with a smear of cream cheese (not the healthiest topping, I know, but the blend of flavors is delicious!)
Here's how to make them...
1/2 c. raisins
1 1/4 c. flour
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
2 eggs
10 oz. pumpkin
1/3 c. apple sauce
1/3 c. walnuts
Mix all the dry ingredients together, mix all the wet ingredients and then combine them.
Bake 350 degrees for 30-ish minutes.
I'm partial to left-overs but my son, like my husband, isn't a big leftovers guy. However, he did put one of these muffins away this morning!
Here's my second great recipe of the day.
I like to cook for the future, meaning I hate having to whip up a batch of my "Special Pancakes" every morning (I put fruit, veggies, beans, and meat in them so I can make sure my son is always getting something healthy even if I give in later in the day and give him a bag of Cheetos!) I made alphabet pancakes and what did not get eaten got put in the deep freezer...
1 c. Heart Healthy Bisquick Pancake Mix
1 carrot finely shredded
1/3 c. applesauce
1/2 can of white beans, drained, rinsed, and smashed up
1/2 banana finely diced
Sprinkle of cinnamon
Mix all ingredients. Pour batter on hot griddle, lightly sprayed with cooking spray. If you are going to freeze them like I did, place a piece of parchment paper on a cookie tray, put pancakes on top and let cool completely. Place tray in freezer. Once pancakes are frozen through, removed and put in zip top bag. Enjoy again, and again, and again!
BTW, although I made these for my son I couldn't help but try them. I took a few bites and they were delish! Maybe add a scoop of protein instead of the beans to make an adult version!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
When To Take The Reigns On Your Health
How do you know when it’s time to really get a handle on
your health and fitness? Do you go by how your clothes fit? How about that
reflection in the mirror? Can’t hoof it up a flight of stairs without feeling
like you are going to collapse?
All of these instances tend to make people say or think, “Man,
I’m out of shape…I need to get to the gym” but rarely do they ACTUALLY go!
I would say that there are many reasons such as lack of
knowledge on how to workout out properly, effectively, etc. BUT, more commonly,
there is no REAL motivation. So how about trying this out to remind you of the
importance of fitting in time each day to be active?
Make it real by stepping on the scale and TAKE A PICTURE.
Yes, I know that is a terrible thing to tell any woman! No one likes to reveal
the secret number, but the scale doesn’t lie! I do believe it's more important to go by how you feel than your weight, but when talking health that number is important. Don’t like how you look? Don’t
cover up in a bunch of clothes, but rather, tear it all off (with the exception
of a bathing suit or under garments) and take a picture. Test your ability to
perform a daily living type of activity such as walking up and down the stairs.
Jot down in a journal how many times you can walk up and down the steps before
you get a feeling of having to keel over and note how you felt.
Hopefully, one of these suggestions helps you out. I’d love
to hear!
Friday, September 14, 2012
A Few Extra Minutes
Picture this scenario…you have 45 minutes until you have to
bring your son to his scheduled play class. Everyone has already ate dinner and
you already gave your son his bath because play class gets done at 715 and he
wouldn’t get to bed until late if you waited until afterwards. Your house is a
respectable version of clean, although there is some laundry that needs to be
folded and dishes to be put away.
What would YOU do with that extra time?
I found myself faced with this scenario last night and I chose
to take a 20-minute run. I figured that would allow me time to get a shower and
make it to my son’s class on time. I love working out in the morning so I had
already performed my upper-body focused circuit. I’m never really a twice-a-day
girl, but for some reason I felt almost like I HAD to get outside and boy was
it worth it! Aside from a great run, the weather was absolutely beautiful!
I tucked my son in his jogging stroller, threw on my running
shoes and off we were. I went slightly over my 20-minute plan but I got in 3
miles that I normally wouldn’t have.
Since I had another 25 minutes, I had plenty of time to shower up, throw
his “bop” (code name for his sippy cup) in the diaper bag and get to class. I
felt so energized chasing my son around his class and, BONUS, had added energy
to finish up my “chores” when I got home. I even stayed up a little later to
finish writing up some amazing new workout routines!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Proper Form Is Not As Easy As You Think
So, about two days ago I witnessed the funniest thing I have ever seen! Well, at least at the time that's what it felt like. I have a workout area set up in my basement with mats spread out on the floor. It also doubles as a play space for my son so when he falls (it's a given that he will) he doesn't get another "ouch".
My mom brought him down to play to get him out from under my feet when I was working. I finished up and went down to run around with him. As my mom was sitting there on my weight bench I decided to test her fitness abilities. Mind you, I have never seen her perform any type of workout in my 28 years!
I asked her to get on the ground in push up position and she HAD NO IDEA how to do it! As first, I thought to myself are you serious...who doesn't know proper push up form? I held back my initial reaction and politely told her that I would show her. I demonstrated a big girl push up (on hands and toes) and then explained to her that since she had never done a push up that I can bet she's not on that level! I showed her the "girl push up" version and had her take position.
This is the funny part...after I showed her, she got on hands and knees with a flat back and dropped her chin to the floor! We corrected her form and she tried it the right way but that didn't end any better! She held herself up but as soon as she attempted to lower herself she completely flopped to the floor! When she realized how weak she was she rolled on her side and laughed harder than I have ever seen her laugh before. It made me crack up too but also encouraged me to try some other exercises with her to see how she would comprehend and perform.
I had her sit on the stability ball and instructed her to step out and let the ball roll up her back until it was between her shoulder blades. She CLEARLY did not understand the detailed narrative OR the visual instruction because she rolled right off the ball! To make it even better, as she was mid-roll my son decided to pick up bouncy balls and throw them at her!
As funny as it was, I feel so bad that she has absolutely no idea how to workout. But, because I took some initiative to show her she has asked me to show her other things such as how to stretch. This made me think about people who DON'T know anything about fitness, WANT to know how to exercise properly and effectively, but WON'T seek advise or help. I'm glad I took that step to help my mom...only wish I had reached out to her sooner!
My mom brought him down to play to get him out from under my feet when I was working. I finished up and went down to run around with him. As my mom was sitting there on my weight bench I decided to test her fitness abilities. Mind you, I have never seen her perform any type of workout in my 28 years!
I asked her to get on the ground in push up position and she HAD NO IDEA how to do it! As first, I thought to myself are you serious...who doesn't know proper push up form? I held back my initial reaction and politely told her that I would show her. I demonstrated a big girl push up (on hands and toes) and then explained to her that since she had never done a push up that I can bet she's not on that level! I showed her the "girl push up" version and had her take position.
This is the funny part...after I showed her, she got on hands and knees with a flat back and dropped her chin to the floor! We corrected her form and she tried it the right way but that didn't end any better! She held herself up but as soon as she attempted to lower herself she completely flopped to the floor! When she realized how weak she was she rolled on her side and laughed harder than I have ever seen her laugh before. It made me crack up too but also encouraged me to try some other exercises with her to see how she would comprehend and perform.
I had her sit on the stability ball and instructed her to step out and let the ball roll up her back until it was between her shoulder blades. She CLEARLY did not understand the detailed narrative OR the visual instruction because she rolled right off the ball! To make it even better, as she was mid-roll my son decided to pick up bouncy balls and throw them at her!
As funny as it was, I feel so bad that she has absolutely no idea how to workout. But, because I took some initiative to show her she has asked me to show her other things such as how to stretch. This made me think about people who DON'T know anything about fitness, WANT to know how to exercise properly and effectively, but WON'T seek advise or help. I'm glad I took that step to help my mom...only wish I had reached out to her sooner!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Every Little Bit Counts
Wow! What a beautiful day! This morning I made my breakfast shake, got my little guy dressed and ready for the day, packed my lunch and headed out the door to school. (I go full-time on weekends). Yesterday was rainy and muggy so walking outside today at 7am to a slight brisk in the air was refreshing. On my lunch break I went out to my car to get my food and it was still beyond gorgeous weather so I sat in my car with my windows down and ate my lunch. After finishing up my whole grain pasta, sausage (I have a weakness for "bad" savory stuff...but only give in to a little bit here and there), Brussels sprouts and green tea I still had a bunch of time until I had to be back to class so I took advantage and went for a short walk.
Although this picture gives a glimpse of my serene walk there's much more you cannot experience simply from looking at it. As I walked down the shaded sidewalk I heard the most amazing sounds that I had never heard driving this same route. I could hear every creature that was out. Not in a creepy-crawly way (I hate bugs!) but in a melodic way. The chirping of the birds, buzzing of the bees, and humming of whatever other creatures were out harmonized so beautifully together. It became energizing and calming at the same time.
The best part of my walk came after going back into my classroom. At least four people asked me why I was walking. When I responded that I couldn't help but take those few minutes to get out in the fresh air and get my blood flowing rather than continue to sit in the class, I was pleasantly surprised that some responded they should (and are going to) do the same thing. One guy told me that he always sits around and that he is going to start walking instead of sitting in front of the t.v. so much. Yes, I know it doesn't sound like a huge life-changing moment, but it has the potential. I am excited for the next time I have class so I can find out if he has actually taken the initiative to start walking instead laying around in his "down time".
Although this picture gives a glimpse of my serene walk there's much more you cannot experience simply from looking at it. As I walked down the shaded sidewalk I heard the most amazing sounds that I had never heard driving this same route. I could hear every creature that was out. Not in a creepy-crawly way (I hate bugs!) but in a melodic way. The chirping of the birds, buzzing of the bees, and humming of whatever other creatures were out harmonized so beautifully together. It became energizing and calming at the same time.
The best part of my walk came after going back into my classroom. At least four people asked me why I was walking. When I responded that I couldn't help but take those few minutes to get out in the fresh air and get my blood flowing rather than continue to sit in the class, I was pleasantly surprised that some responded they should (and are going to) do the same thing. One guy told me that he always sits around and that he is going to start walking instead of sitting in front of the t.v. so much. Yes, I know it doesn't sound like a huge life-changing moment, but it has the potential. I am excited for the next time I have class so I can find out if he has actually taken the initiative to start walking instead laying around in his "down time".
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Inner Strength
I've been dealing with some things in my life lately that have made me wonder what drives people and their actions. How are there some who face stress or fear head on and persevere and then others who scare and run? I know there are plenty of people in our world who have had everything handed to them so I get how they are persevering. And on the opposite end, some get completely crapped on and are afraid of continued failure.
So what about us who are born into an average world? I never had a "stable" childhood or had anyone there telling me what to do to be successful in life. I didn't have a terrible childhood, my mom did everything she could for me, but I far from had everything handed to me. I never had anyone who molded my mind to view things and experiences in a way where I always looked at the "long-term". BUT I am that kind of person who knows what I want, won't settle for less, and can view things as a big picture.
I know some others who had been in the same upbringing as I, but got overwhelmed with the fact of having to work hard to move in a positive direction. Fortunately, there was a little "pep-talker" in my mind that kept me on track to my goals.
I bring up this topic because finding that little something inside you that pushes you forward can apply to anything in life. Even in your fitness goals. You may have a million excuses on why you supposedly can't get to the gym or get in a good workout, but if you listen for the internal coach you WILL find a way! Don't let the fear of failure keep you from your own best self.
So what about us who are born into an average world? I never had a "stable" childhood or had anyone there telling me what to do to be successful in life. I didn't have a terrible childhood, my mom did everything she could for me, but I far from had everything handed to me. I never had anyone who molded my mind to view things and experiences in a way where I always looked at the "long-term". BUT I am that kind of person who knows what I want, won't settle for less, and can view things as a big picture.
I know some others who had been in the same upbringing as I, but got overwhelmed with the fact of having to work hard to move in a positive direction. Fortunately, there was a little "pep-talker" in my mind that kept me on track to my goals.
I bring up this topic because finding that little something inside you that pushes you forward can apply to anything in life. Even in your fitness goals. You may have a million excuses on why you supposedly can't get to the gym or get in a good workout, but if you listen for the internal coach you WILL find a way! Don't let the fear of failure keep you from your own best self.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
As The Summer Ends...
As we reach the end of the first week of September the
sudden realization that the summer is coming to an inevitable end is hitting
hard. Although time dedicated to work amps up around now, many are actually
relieved that the cooler season is just around the corner.
Why? Because they feel they can indulge in the comfort foods
that a summer body doesn’t allow. But here’s a cold, hard fact…a pair of jeans
and sweater over a flabby body doesn’t look any better than an uncovered flabby
Unless you have miracle clothes that keep things looking
tight while you’re wearing them, you should use the same level of dedication to
your body and health all year round. And, excuse me for pointing out; you do
have to take your clothes off at some point. Many either have someone at home
they want to look good for, are looking for someone they want to impress, or
need to look a certain way for self-confidence.
I’m not vain, but I can say that I feel good about myself in
everything I wear (or don’t wear). And the only reason why is because I include
fitness and healthy nutrition decisions into my everyday life. Making it a
lifestyle, rather than falling victim to roller-coaster diets, allows me to never have to worry
about how I look or feel. I know I am always my best self year-round!
You can ALWAYS fit in some way to improve your health and fitness in just about any place.
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