Friday, February 8, 2013

No Need To Let Your Veggies Go To Waste!

As you make your healthy, veggie-filled meals have you noticed that the trash can fills up quick with the ends, leaves, and peels?

Or have you bought so many veggies they start to go bad before you can cook them all up?

How about fresh herbs? I know when I buy them they seem to start getting yucky in a couple of days.

Here's an idea to put them to good use!... 

As you go through the week put all the herbs, celery leaves, carrot ends, onion peels, etc. in a zip-lock bag that you keep somewhere in the fridge. By the weekend you should have a fairly full bag. If not, I'm sure some of the veggies in the drawer may be starting to wilt because veggies don't stay fresh and crunchy forever. 

Dump the contents of your bag into a large stock-pot, pour enough water over to cover them, add a couple of bay leaves, salt, and pepper. Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Let it go for about an hour, turn off heat and let cool. 

Once it's cooled down you can place it in reusable containers and put it in the freezer for later use in soups AND you can use it in place of water when cooking rice, pasta, etc.!

Best of Health,
Amanda Chubb

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