Monday, January 28, 2013

Mini Makeovers Melt Muffin-Tops!

OK, I completely understand that the title of this post is ridiculous! I was driving back from Old Navy and was beyond excited about having only spent $20 TOTAL on a dress, women's tank top, 2 women's t-shirts, 1 men's t-shirt, 1 men's long-sleeve shirt AND a Thomas the Train metal lunchbox!

When I am driving around I have the ability to clear my mind so I often think of things to write up for my blog or different exercise routines. The clear mind PLUS excitement of my purchase MADE me choose this title...but I promise you the information enclosed is worthwhile and not the least bit silly!

"Mini Makeovers Melt Muffin-Tops" translates into small changes get results

There are so many things that each and every one of us do in our lives that goes against our goals. For example, you want to lose 4 pounds this month but you always drive around the parking lot until you get the closest spot, you yell at the barista if they skimp on the whipped cream that tops your whole-fat latte, and you consider 10 minutes in the gym sauna your workout!

You cannot go through life always making the "easy" choices and expect things to turn out a certain way. You have to identify your goals and set a path to reach those goals, otherwise, the continuous self-pity can be exhausting!

There are so many little changes that you can make in your daily life that yield a big return on investment (haha...taking HR classes now so don't be alarmed with my casual use of some phrases I have picked up). 


  • NEVER skip breakfast
  • Drink 8 oz of water as soon as you wake up (and with every meal/snack)
  • Eat fruit and/or veggies during EVERY meal (white potatoes/fries don't count)
  • Brush your teeth after a meal
  • Re-arrange your fridge (put fruit and veggies in eye-sight so when a snack craving hits you will be more likely to grab an apple than a slice of left-over pizza)
  • Feeling lonely, bored, or whatever other feeling that usually results in eating junk? a friend, sister, brother, etc. instead
  • SLOW DOWN. We tend to speed through life later wondering where time went. This type of living also makes you more anxious and more susceptible to making poor food choices. 
  • Do something for someone else. When you help someone your endorphins increase and you feel more energized...use that energy for your workout!
  • Avoid white rice, pasta and bread...choose whole grain for more fiber and protein (keep in mind calorie count is the same so it doesn't give you an excuse to eat more)
  • Say "NO" to diet stuff! The artificial sweeteners are not only bad for you but they can increase your appetite for the real thing. You will end up eating the diet version PLUS the real stuff!
  • Introduce healthy cooking and activities to your kids. Making healthy choices will be easier if everyone is doing it!
  • Mix in more veggies in your recipes. There are so many ways to incorporate veggies in the main dish, not just the sides. 
  • Take the stairs not the excavator or elevator!
  • Lay out or pack your gym clothes the night before
  • Schedule in workout time in your daily to-do list

Best of Health,
Amanda Chubb
Find me on FACEBOOK!

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