Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Bodyweight Exercises

I am a HUGE FAN of bodyweight exercises

Despite what some may think, you don't need to have excessive body weight for this type of training to be effective! Even if you are a small or lightweight person I can promise you that the exercises are still going to be hard AND are still going to give you a great workout. 

Check out the hyperlink above (bodyweight exercises) for a great article in TIME.com "Latest Fitness Trends: Body Weight Training Takes Centerstage" based off of information from the American College of Sports Medicine. 

You will read that some of the most common bodyweight exercises are push-ups and crunches. **NOTE: The Military Uses These Types Of Exercises In Physical Fitness Tests To Ensure Service Members Are Fit For Duty**

But don't think that's all there is. Check out my list below of a few personal favorites that I use for myself AND clients. 

One of the greatest PRO'S to bodyweight exercises is that you lose almost all EXCUSES for not working out. If you are traveling for work or leisure, if you do not have the funds to buy equipment or go to a gym, or if you just don't have the time. Whatever your prior excuse...SQUASH IT because it's not legit!

Here's JUST A FEW of my Fav's (with descriptions):

Inchworm: Stand up tall with the legs straight, and do like Lil’ Jon and let those fingertips hit the floor. Keeping the legs straight (but not locked!), slowly lower the torso toward the floor, and then walk the hands forward. Once in a push-up position, start taking tiny steps so the feet meet the hands. Continue bugging out for 4-6 reps.

Tuck Jump: Standing with the knees slightly bent, jump up as high as possible and bring the knees in toward the chest while extending the arms straight out. Land with the knees slightly bent and quickly jump (on it) again!

Plyometric Push-Up: Start on a well-padded surface and complete a traditional push-up. Then, in an explosive motion, push up hard enough to come off the floor. Once back on solid ground, immediately head into the next repetition.

Mountain Climber: Starting on your hands and knees, bring the left foot forward directly under the chest while straightening the right leg. Keeping the hands on the ground and core tight, jump and switch legs. The left leg should now be extended behind the body with the right knee forward.

Burpees: One of the most effective full-body exercises around, this one starts out in a low squat position with hands on the floor. Next, kick the feet back to a push-up position, complete one push-up, then immediately return the feet to the squat position. Leap up as high as possible before squatting and moving back into a push-up

Plank: Lie face down with forearms on the floor and hands clasped. Extend the legs behind the body and rise up on the toes. Keeping the back straight, tighten the core and hold the position for 30-60 seconds (or as long as you can hang).

Plank-to-Push-Up: Starting in a plank position, place down one hand at a time to lift up into a push-up position, with the back straight and the core engaged. Then move one arm at a time back into the plank position (forearms on the ground). Repeat, alternating the arm that makes the first move.
Wall Sit: Slowly slide your back down a wall until the thighs are parallel to the ground. Make sure the knees are directly above the ankles and keep the back straight. Go for 60 seconds per set (or however long it takes to turn those legs to jelly). Need more fire? Add some bicep curls.

Lunge: Stand with the hands on the hips and feet hip-width apart. Step the right leg forward and slowly lower your body until the right knee is close to or touching the floor and bent at least 90 degrees. Return to the starting position and repeat with the left leg. Try stepping back into the lunge for a different variation.

Clock Lunge: Time for a challenge. Complete a traditional forward lunge, then take a big step to the right and lunge again. Finish off the semicircle with a backwards lunge, then return to standing. And all that’s one rep! Aim for 10 reps and then switch legs.

Lunge Jump: Stand with the feet together and lunge forward with the right foot. Jump straight up, propelling the arms forward while keeping the elbows bent. While in the air, switch legs and land in a lunge with the opposite leg forward. Repeat and continue switching legs. Try to do 10!

Curtsy Lunge: When lunging, step the left leg back behind the right, bending the knees and lowering the hips until the right thigh is almost parallel to the floor. Remember to keep the torso upright and the hips square.

Squat: Stand with the feet parallel or turned out 15 degrees — whatever is most comfortable. Slowly start to crouch by bending the hips and knees until the thighs are at least parallel to the floor. Make sure the heels do not rise off the floor. Press through the heels to return to a standing position.

Pistol Squat: There may be no gun permit necessary for this one, but it’s still no joke. Stand holding the arms straight out in front of the body, and raise the right leg, flexing the right ankle and pushing the hips back. Then lower the body while keeping the right leg raised. Hold (have fun with that), then return to standing.

Squat Reach and Jump: Ready to add some pizzazz (and cardio!) to that squat? Perform a normal squat, but immediately jump up, reaching the arms straight overhead. Aim for 15 reps, taking a quick breather before the next set.

Step-Up: This may be self-explanatory, but just in case — find a step or bench, and place the right foot on the elevated surface. Step up until the right leg is straight, then return to start. Repeat, aiming for 10-12 reps on each side.

Single Leg Deadlift: Start in a standing position with the feet together. Lift the right leg slightly, and lower the arms and torso while raising the right leg behind the body. Keep the left knee slightly bent and reach the arms as close to the floor as possible. Raise the torso while lowering the right leg. Switch legs.

Calf Raise: From a standing position, slowly rise up on the toes, keeping the knees straight and heels off the floor. Hold briefly, then come back down. Try standing on something elevated (like a step) to achieve a wider range of motion.

Standard Push-Up: There’s a reason this one’s a classic. With hands shoulder-width apart, keep the feet flexed at hip distance, and tighten the core. Bend the elbows until the chest reaches the ground, and then push back up (make sure to keep the elbows tucked close to the body). That’s one!

Handstand Push-Up: This move is for the pros. Get set in a headstand position against a wall and bend the elbows at a 90-degree angle, doing an upside down push-up (so the head moves toward the floor and the legs remain against the wall).

Superwoman: Lie face down with arms and legs extended. Keeping the torso as still as possible, simultaneously raise the arms and legs to form a small curve in the body.

Contralateral Limb Raises: Here’s the breakdown: Lie on your stomach with the arms outstretched and palms facing one another. Slowly lift one arm a few inches off the floor, keeping it straight without rotating the shoulders and keeping the head and torso still. Hold the position, then lower the arm back down, moving to the other arm.

Triceps Dip: Get seated near a step or bench. Sit on the floor with knees slightly bent, and grab the edge of the elevated surface and straighten the arms. Bend them to a 90-degree angle, and straighten again while the heels push towards the floor. For some extra fire, reach the right arm out while lifting the left leg.

Diamond Push-Up: These push-ups get pimped out with a diamond-shaped hand position (situate them so that the thumbs and index fingers touch). This hand readjustment will give those triceps some extra love.

Shoulder Stabilization Series (I, Y, T, W O): Lie down on your stomach with arms extended overhead and palms facing each other. Move the arms into each letter formation. (Gimme a Y, you know you want to!).

Arm Circles: Stand with arms extended by the sides, perpendicular to the torso. Slowly make clockwise circles for about twenty to thirty seconds (about one foot in diameter). Then reverse the movement, going counter-clockwise.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Foodie Confession & Fall Surprise Mac 'N Cheese

I have somewhat of a reputation of eating extremely healthy, or at least I did in recent years. I admit that I was pretty strict with what I ate but only because of how healthy food made me feel. I could wake up at the crack of dawn, go to work, hit the gym late at night, go out with friends and wake up the next day filled with energy because I had a diet that focused on providing "FUEL" not "FUN"...meaning I ate to have energy to live, I didn't live to eat. I fought off the cravings for chocolate, salt-traps and fried food for a very long time. 

After I met and married my hubby I noticed that I became VERY relaxed with my diet! I found that I almost had to justify myself and my eating habits because everyone else around was always having something else or judging me (at least it felt that way sometimes) for being very particular. 

Well, prior to hitting my 28th birthday a couple months ago I noticed that I have been lagging A LOT! I sat down last night and reflected on things, times and amounts of food that I have been eating. I can tell you that I, 100%, believe that my lack of energy is a direct result of how I have been eating. It's a little ridiculous!

Don't get me wrong, I eat a ton of healthy things all day long. But, for some reason, I kept talking myself into eating another snack at night that wasn't always the best for my body or health... Also, I found myself eating heavier dinners and adding more salt than usual. NOT GOOD!

When time to make dinner came around I slapped myself in the face and decided to get back on track. I put a TON of VEGGIES in my Mac 'N Cheese and scratched most of the salt! I know, I know I just complained about eating bad and then I tell you I made Mac 'N Cheese! I promise that the name disguises a very healthy meal...

-- Cook about 2 cups WHOLE GRAIN pasta (al dente according to directions), drain and set aside.
-- Dice about 2 cups of CABBAGE, steam until tender and set aside.
-- Combine 1- 1.5 cups of pureed PUMPKIN, 3/4 - 1 cup of SKIM MILK, 1 clove minced GARLIC, 1 Tbsp mustard, 1/4 - 1/2 cup shredded 2% cheddar cheese, Salt & Pepper (to taste).
-- Cook above ingredients over low until combined and heated through.
--Mix ALL ingredients together, pour into sprayed casserole dish, top with PANKO CRUMBS and 1 tsp EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL. 

Ta Da...

Of course I had to have more than this for dinner so I made some LIMA BEANS and ate CHICKEN BREAST from the chicken I made in my Crock Pot.


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ever Heard Of TABATA Training?

TABATA is a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) method that offers more health benefits than traditional cardiovascular exercise. It’s short, efficient and can fit in almost any fitness program.

There are many different forms of workouts out there, each giving a different result. Some will increase muscle mass, some increase strength, others will help you lose weight and so forth.

Cardio exercises are a popular type of exercise that help to improve endurance and stimulate fat loss. These types of exercises can be anything from long distance running, skipping, biking or even power walking. All of these usually fall under the category of Moderate Intensity Training because they tend to last anywhere from a half hour to more than an hour going at the same pace.

“Tabata” is the name of a particular type of workout program that provides similar health benefits to that of cardio workouts, but Tabata adds a bit more spice. Instead of hours upon hours or exercise...TABATA CAN BE COMPLETED IN 4 MINUTES!!!


Just about any exercise can be incorporated into the Tabata training but here's a basic outline of the Tabata training method:
• 4 minutes long (whole Tabata Session)
• 20 seconds of intense training
• 10 seconds of rest
• Total of 8 sessions or rounds

1. PUSH-UPS- 20 Sec ON / 10 Sec REST / Repeat 8 Times / Move on to the next and perform same...
5. ETC.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Overcoming Addiction

According to the American Psychological Association, ADDICTION is defined as a "condition in which the  body must have a drug to avoid physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms." It further states that the first stage is dependence (drug dominates a person's life). An addict eventually develops a tolerance which makes the person consume larger doses and greater frequency to get the same effect. 

From further research I found many studies that state individuals begin smoking as a way to "treat" their depression. Some then get to a point where they realize smoking is detrimental to their health and try to quit...but that results in further depression so they give in and repeat the cycle. 

It appears to be an ugly and vicious cycle, HOWEVER, I believe those who fail and give up are VERY WEAK. Pardon me, but I am very blunt and upfront so if you don't like what I say or don't agree than by all means don't read my post. 

There are people all throughout this world that have undergone REAL life-changing and life-defying stress yet do not throw themselves a pity-party and find some easy way to fix it. They face problems head-on, fix them and no longer have to consider them "stressers". 

A lot of what ties people to continue with smoking is the physical feeling or relaxation they supposedly get from smoking. Well, listen up people....EXERCISE CAN HAVE THE SAME EFFECTS! So here's my thoughts and challenge: 

Stop making excuses for your negative lifestyle and TRY something new! Don't just give up! If you're not hurting yourself, I'm pretty sure you're hurting someone or a relationship with someone!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Take Your Workout Outdoors To "Freshen" It Up!

Today's weather was PERFECT for taking my client outside to get in a GREAT session!!! After doing part of yesterdays workout outside and checking on today's weather we agreed to meet at a park right around the corner from her for today's training AND BOY WAS IT WORTH IT!

If you find yourself doing the same exercises day in and day out it's really hard to make any progress. A simple change-up of taking your workout outside can provide so many POSITIVE OPPORTUNITIES to shock your body. A little paved path around a pond in a quiet neighborhood offered a great place for just that!

Here's what we did today that guarantee's A.G. will be feeling it tomorrow!

WARM-UP: 10-Minute Moderate Paced Walk


Performed Above TWO TIMES (Note/CONFESSION: My "minutes" and "seconds" may have lasted more than planned!)

Followed this up with 3 sets of incline push-ups to failure, then walked it out to cool-down and completed the hour with some stretches. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

It Doesn't Have To Get To This...But If It Does TAKE ACTION

So, today's post is driven by the recent news of my most recent client being diagnosed with DIABETES. I thought I would provide a little information on the disease and ways to make lifestyle changes before you reach the point of diagnosis.

According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetes increases your risk for many serious health problems. The good news? With the correct treatment and recommended lifestyle changes, many people with diabetes are able to prevent or delay the onset of complications. In addition, complications from diabetes affect different segments of the population disproportionately:

Eye Complications: your risk of glaucoma, cataracts and other eye problems low with regular checkups.

Foot Complications: Learn about neuropathy (which can cause numbness in the feet) as well as other complications.

Skin Complications: Stay alert for symptoms of skin infections and other skin disorders common in people with diabetes.

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension): High blood pressure—also called hypertension—raises your risk for heart attack, stroke, eye problems, and kidney disease.

Hearing Loss: Diabetes and hearing loss are two of America's most widespread health concerns.

Oral Health Problems: Research shows that there is an increased prevalence of gum disease among those with diabetes.

Stroke: Maintain target levels for blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol to reduce your risk of stroke. 


When you have diabetes, being overweight or obese increases your risk for complications. LOSING JUST A FEW POUNDS THROUGH EXERCISE AND EATING RIGHT can help with your diabetes control and can reduce your risk for other health problems. You will also have more energy and feel better in general!

CHECK OUT THIS LINK TO FIND A TON OF INFORMATION FROM THE AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION: http://www.diabetes.org/food-and-fitness/fitness/weight-loss/?loc=DropDownFF-weightloss

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Simple Compliment Is All Some Need...

Upfront, let me say that today's post is not intended to toot my own horn, so to speak.

The days I meet with a client in the morning get a little busier for me because my own workout is on a tighter timeline. Yesterday, to make it even worse, when I got to the gym it was in total disarray. They have been remodeling for a while but I guess they went for TOTAL DESTRUCTION TUESDAY without giving warning!

At first, naturally, I got frustrated by having to search for every piece of equipment. But then I looked at my hectic scurrying as a positive because it kept my heart rate up running from machine to machine and side to side of the gym! ;)

When I was done my awesome workout I grabbed my son from the daycare room, headed home to make him a snack and a sippy and a protein shake for me. I had to prioritize getting something to eat to support my exercise efforts (meaning I didn't get a shower...EWW!) I compromised a "sorta-shower" by reminding myself that I would be home fairly soon.

When I got to my clients house I was motivated on the outside and still a little frantic on the inside. None-the-less, I had a great session planned and we pushed through it as if nothing else in the world mattered. 

How do I tie the title of this post to this story? Well, at just about the end of the session my client told me that I was "the best trainer she's ever had". She said that "not only do you know what you're doing, you know exactly what kind of workout a woman needs and it's so easy to understand and follow you". She told me that I'm her eighth trainer (she couldn't find a good one) and that she doesn't want me to ever move away. 

Secretly, I love getting compliments (who doesn't, right?) I noticed that as she continued giving me praise I stood up a little taller and held my head a little higher. To her face I grinned and politely thanked her...even though I wanted to say THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH and give her a big hug!

During the rest of my day, despite continued chaos, I kept her comments in the back of my mind and it made me feel good ALL DAY. I had a little extra PEP IN MY STEP to enthusiastically accomplish everything else I needed to do. 

My point is that if a thought such as "her hair looks good", "I love those shoes", "she can run so fast" or whatever else crosses your mind about someone else SAY IT AND DON'T JUST THINK IT!!! A little love can go a long way and brighten someone's day. 


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Rest Day

I used to be a workout-a-holic several years ago when I was in my prime ;) and worked out every day of the week. Now that I am "more experienced" and know how that is running my body down I make sure I ALWAYS include active rest days. This day falls on Sunday for me. It works best for family time and with my work/school schedule so I planned out my weekly training to build up to taking off every Sunday. 

Last week was chaotic for me and my workout schedule. I worked out but I didn't get a really great session in...I missed the kind that you're sweating at the end and just say "whew, I'm gonna feel that tomorrow". When today, Sunday, came around I literally had to talk myself out of working out. I was very tempted to fall into the ugly cycle of going balls to the wall and make up for lost training.

Fortunately, my self-convincing worked and it's now almost time for this girl to go to bed and I FEEL GREAT! My body feels relaxed yet strong. I had to remind myself that, although not at my normal level, I still worked out each day and that I must stick to my Rest Day so that I don't fall into the trap of over-training (again)!

When tomorrow morning rolls around I will be mentally and physically ready to put my all into my workout! I will continue my training with effective physical and mental preparation and planning and remind myself that the best thing for my body is not wearing it down every chance I get.


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fit On The Road

This past week has been CRAZY! Or, to say the least, it drove me CRAZY!

My husband is still in the military (I got out last year) and we recently got notice that we are moving to Florida. We went down there for a couple days to check out some areas and got back late last night. I'm pretty sure my husband tricked (lied to) me by saying there was a fitness center/room...he swears he told me there isn't and I am pretty sure he said there was, but I forget things quite often so who knows...

Anyway, I always travel prepared so I threw my jump rope, plastic disk, resistance tube and a set of light weights (5 lbs) in the suitcase. I crossed my fingers that these little additions wouldn't put our luggage over the max weight because I can imagine how that would have played out with the hubby!

On the flight down I asked him where the fitness center was located and this is when I found out that there wasn't one. After some non-verbal tension I took a deep breath and whipped out my notebook to write up some full-body circuit workouts that I could do when we had a few minutes of "down time" (I really mean some time when the hubby has to run to store to get milk or some other thing that the kids couldn't live without!)

Yes, you read that right, I said kids! We had all 3 little ones ages 6 and under! Despite the insanity, that I'm sure I don't have to go into depth to explain, I was able to get 2 30-minute runs in (4 miles each) and 2 full-body circuits that had me sweating after one set! My workouts were much less vigorous than what I am used to when at home but getting in anything is better than nothing. I love the physical effects of working out but I also NEED to mental effect. If you were there, especially on the plane ride with my 20-month-old, you would understand! Fitness is my medicine, my daily vitamin, my mental  release and I love that I am able to plan and prioritize to make sure I fit it in!