Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Staying Active Outside Of The Gym

I absolutely love getting my workout done early in the day. Mainly because I know that something will come up later in the day that will make it more difficult or impossible. Like other moms I know, there is a sometimes a feeling of guilt when I prioritize my wants/needs. 

But I know that if I do not get my workout in, the day will be hell for everyone! It is the one thing that I do for myself on an almost daily basis. And it helps to relieve some guilt when I remind myself that making myself healthier and clearing my mind will also benefit my family. 

Even though I workout early, I LOVE making sure that I (and my family) continue to be active throughout the day. One hour in the gym does not mean you can sit on your butt or sleep the other 23 hours!!!

During the weekdays I usually take my son to the playground to run around, to the outdoor mall or to the community pool. On weekends, post-gym, he gets a special treat. This past Saturday was a fun Mommy and Tyler day at Dinosaur World in Plant City, FL.

Climbing Tires...well prepared with his tank top and Nike sneakers!...

...Quick Break To Watch The Koi Fish...

...Running Away From T-Rex...

...AHHH...T-Rex Got My Little Guy!...

...Fueling Up With A Kashi Bar...

...One Last "Ride" On A Dinosaur...

...On The Way HOME, I'm Pooped!

Good thing I got my energy boost before Dinosaur World so I didn't need a nap on the way home too!

Best of Health,

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Have A Plan For Things Not Going As Planned...WHAT?!

I am a creature of habit in most areas of my life, but I know that it is necessary to change up my workout so that I always challenge myself. 

I wrote down a structured regime that I wanted to do at the gym. I figured I would stick with this for a few weeks and then switch it up. Reading through, it sounded pretty damn great! Perfect flow from one exercise to the next with strict balance of the muscle groups! I was impressed with myself! 

BUT...my gym is ALWAYS packed so you never know what machines you are going to have access to or even which weights. 

Flexibility is the key to Airpower! (As a former Airman I couldn't help myself!)

I don't mean to "toot my own horn" so to speak, but I am pretty good at modifying exercises and adjusting to what I have available. I'm a NO EXCUSES kinda girl. ;)

So I kept the workout that I wrote down and actually had the opportunity to flow through it as planned a couple times. Good stuff! But more recently I have been getting to the gym at varied times and what I needed for my session was taken. I don't have the patience or time to sit around and wait so I came up with off-the-cuff alternatives.

For example, my plan called for a front lunge-reverse lunge combo with weights, 10 continuous reps each side. Holy crap do they burn!! But the weights I needed were always taken so I decided to utilize the long open-floor area and do forward walking lunges immediately followed by reverse walking lunges across the length of the gym. No weights, but the intensity and number of steps I took burnnnnned so good! This was after my Superset Weighted Squats / Weighted Hip Thrusts on the bench!!! And before a whole lot more strengthening exercises and a two-mile moderate/fast-paced run!!! I know two miles doesn't sound like a lot, but after an intense leg workout it almost feels impossible. 

Bottom line, it's good to have a plan so you aren't going in completely blind and standing at the entrance of the gym looking around like you are lost. But it's also a great idea to have a few backup exercise alternatives so you aren't breathing down the back of someone on the Abductor machine until they finish! 

Plan for things to NOT go how you want them and you will be more flexible and less stressed when you need to make a change. 

Best of Health,