Many people who are trying to lose weight are usually afraid to eat real meals. They believe that eating things like a tuna sandwich makes them fat and that eating things like rice cakes and carrots all-day, every-day is the safe way to go. WRONG! Self-created diets, and most other diets that limit things, commonly call for TOO FEW calories and TOO LIMITED of a selection of foods. Not good if you get bored easily! This turns into an ugly cycle of becoming too hungry, craving calorie-dense foods then finally blowing the diet regaining any lost weight (or more!).
If diets worked and/or were easy to stick with then everyone who ever went on one would be thin (and happy). But, that's not the case. Diets could pretty much change their title to "deprivation". Everyone likes to have what they want, when they want...but for long-term results that is not a good thing to strive for when talking about weight loss.
Typically, people who drop an excessive amount of weight in a short period of time tend to gain it back, plus more. Some even end up "trying to lose the same 10 pounds for 10 years"!
So how does one effectively lose weight, you ask? Although I am a Personal Trainer and condone fitness as being a big part of the picture, I am going to be 100% honest by telling you that maintaining a balanced lifestyle of healthy eating and daily activity is key with much emphasis placed on the healthy eating part.
But do not get confused, healthy eating is not just selecting the wheat bread over white, lean chicken breast over steak or the non-fat milk over whole. No matter what type of food or drink you ingest you still have to use PORTION CONTROL! Eating 2,000 calories daily of quinoa, whole grain pasta, veggies, fruit, chicken, etc. is still 2,000 calories! This is going to lead to weight-gain no matter how healthy the choices are if you should be striving for something less, say, 1,500 calories.
I have personally and professionally found that PORTION CONTROL in the sense of portioning out several (5-6) meals throughout the day consisting of roughly 200-300 calories +/- (depending on physical activity needs) is the way to go. By first selecting those healthier options such as quinoa, whole grains, veggies, fruit, low-/non-fat dairy, lean meats, beans, etc. you then use these types of foods/ingredients in several small meals throughout the day as previously mentioned. This will keep you satisfied, full and best of all it will keep your metabolism revving all day.
One way that I have personally modified the above suggestion is that I front-loaded my small meals. Meaning, I made my earlier meals a bit more calorie dense and the meals I had later in the day had less calories. Since food is really supposed to be FOR ENERGY (not always luxury) I made sure that I was well-fueled earlier in the day but still had some calories reserved for later so I didn't get ravenous and give into eating anything laying around.
You can see that my suggestion is really just a modification of your lifestyle. I am not telling you exactly what to eat. You can eat what you already do, but maybe cut back a bit and substitute things here and there. If you always eat pizza and think you cannot stop then don't! Instead of 2 slices eat 1 and have a salad with a vinegar/olive oil-based dressing.
Simple changes lead to a better and healthier lifestyle!!
Best of Health,

I constantly search for the most effective exercises AND super-easy ways to make nutritious and tasty meals. Follow me to learn how I stay fit and healthy despite being a wife, entrepreneur, full-time student and mother of a very active family! Showing yourself some love by staying fit and healthy leads to a happier life...FOR ALL! ;)
Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
My Personal Workout Routine
I am a woman of habit in most aspects of my life. I like to keep a routine so that I can feel like I have some control of what happens and when. I wake up about the same time every morning, prepare my sons breakfast then mine, head to the gym by a certain time, etc. I do this because I have other responsibilities that have to occur at certain times later in the day. If I do not schedule my mornings out and follow them then I potentially will not get a workout in which, I know, will lead to me feeling frazzled and fatigued!
Although my schedule is planned out so that each morning is like ground-hog day, my WORKOUT schedule is nothing of the sort!
I mix up my session so much that I rarely do the same thing twice in a row. This works great for someone trying to lose or maintain weight, wants to keep their metabolism revved, or someone who just needs continuous challenge and something to keep them interested. I get bored easily so I just cannot do the same 'ol thing day in and day out!
Everyone is different and has their own thing that works for them. Right now, this is what works for me. I was a "cardio queen" before and did 1+ hours of cardio each day!!! Terrible idea! That was quite some time ago...I learned a couple years ago how bad of an idea that was for me but it was a damn hard routine to break! I love that I have relaxed on cardio (I still tear it up on cardio days) because I have opened up time and energy to bring weight training into my gym time which is beyond AMAZING!
To ensure I am hitting each muscle group, getting a sufficient amount of cardio (but not too much), I break out what I am going to do by the day of the week (see below).
Mon- Cardio, Abs, and assisted Pull-ups
Tues- Upper body
Wed- Cardio, Abs, and assisted Pull-ups
Thurs- Lower body
Fri- Cardio, Abs, and assisted Pull-ups
Sat- Upper body
Sun- Off or Yoga
Since I did Upper/Lower/Upper on Tues/Thurs/Sat on WEEK 1 I will switch that to Lower/Upper/Lower the next and so forth...
After breaking my week up like you see above, I go in the gym with a starting plan and go from there! Fortunately, I know the equipment in the gym, I know what works which muscles, I know how to superset, I know how to keep my heart-rate up, I know how to be efficient by using every single minute I have, I know how to adapt exercises to meet what I want and need and I know how to modify exercises if equipment and space are limited. Because of all that going into the gym without a printed out plan works great for me, but I wouldn't suggest it for everyone!
10 x 36" Box Jumps
20 x Push-Ups w/Feet on Stability Ball
20 x Tri-cep Dips on Bench w/Feet on Stability Ball
~Complete 3 times
Kettle-bell Swing
Lat Raises
Hammer-curl to Arnold Press
~ Complete 3 times
Medicine Ball Slam
Decline Chest Presses
Single-Arm Row
~Complete 3 times
Diamond Push-ups
Chest Flys on Stability Ball
Tri-cep kickbacks
~Complete 3 times
Finish the hour off with a 15-minute 10% incline walk
The weight you use and rep count will be determined off of your current fitness level. I didn't go any heavier than 35 lbs on some of the exercises but for someone who has never picked up weights or someone who has minimal experience I would suggest starting way lower to first get a grasp on proper form.
Try out this routine for yourself, adapt it to meet your needs, or just use this post as motivation to do something! Whatever action you take is likely going to burn more calories and build more muscle than continuing to sit here at your computer and read more posts!
In Good Health,
Although my schedule is planned out so that each morning is like ground-hog day, my WORKOUT schedule is nothing of the sort!
I mix up my session so much that I rarely do the same thing twice in a row. This works great for someone trying to lose or maintain weight, wants to keep their metabolism revved, or someone who just needs continuous challenge and something to keep them interested. I get bored easily so I just cannot do the same 'ol thing day in and day out!
Everyone is different and has their own thing that works for them. Right now, this is what works for me. I was a "cardio queen" before and did 1+ hours of cardio each day!!! Terrible idea! That was quite some time ago...I learned a couple years ago how bad of an idea that was for me but it was a damn hard routine to break! I love that I have relaxed on cardio (I still tear it up on cardio days) because I have opened up time and energy to bring weight training into my gym time which is beyond AMAZING!
To ensure I am hitting each muscle group, getting a sufficient amount of cardio (but not too much), I break out what I am going to do by the day of the week (see below).
Mon- Cardio, Abs, and assisted Pull-ups
Tues- Upper body
Wed- Cardio, Abs, and assisted Pull-ups
Thurs- Lower body
Fri- Cardio, Abs, and assisted Pull-ups
Sat- Upper body
Sun- Off or Yoga
Since I did Upper/Lower/Upper on Tues/Thurs/Sat on WEEK 1 I will switch that to Lower/Upper/Lower the next and so forth...
After breaking my week up like you see above, I go in the gym with a starting plan and go from there! Fortunately, I know the equipment in the gym, I know what works which muscles, I know how to superset, I know how to keep my heart-rate up, I know how to be efficient by using every single minute I have, I know how to adapt exercises to meet what I want and need and I know how to modify exercises if equipment and space are limited. Because of all that going into the gym without a printed out plan works great for me, but I wouldn't suggest it for everyone!
It was an "Upper Body" day for me. On Saturdays I usually keep my workout at home in my basement gym and because of the snow TODAY WAS ONE OF THOSE DAYS! Here's what today's session consisted of:10 x 36" Box Jumps
20 x Push-Ups w/Feet on Stability Ball
20 x Tri-cep Dips on Bench w/Feet on Stability Ball
~Complete 3 times
Kettle-bell Swing
Lat Raises
Hammer-curl to Arnold Press
~ Complete 3 times
Medicine Ball Slam
Decline Chest Presses
Single-Arm Row
~Complete 3 times
Diamond Push-ups
Chest Flys on Stability Ball
Tri-cep kickbacks
~Complete 3 times
Finish the hour off with a 15-minute 10% incline walk
The weight you use and rep count will be determined off of your current fitness level. I didn't go any heavier than 35 lbs on some of the exercises but for someone who has never picked up weights or someone who has minimal experience I would suggest starting way lower to first get a grasp on proper form.
Try out this routine for yourself, adapt it to meet your needs, or just use this post as motivation to do something! Whatever action you take is likely going to burn more calories and build more muscle than continuing to sit here at your computer and read more posts!
In Good Health,
Monday, December 24, 2012
Guilt-Free Meatballs
When I make something for breakfast, lunch, dinner or whenever there is a hungry belly in my home I usually just whip something together by knowing what flavors taste yummy together. It's not often that I make something and write the recipe down so that I can make sure that the next time I make the dish it comes out exactly the same...except for these meatballs that I whipped up the other day!
1. 1 package of 99% Fat-Free Ground Chicken Breast (don't worry, they won't be dry and tasteless!)
2. 2 Sweet Turkey Sausage Links. Remove meat from casings
3. 1/2 - 3/4 cups Homemade Breadcrumbs (recipe below)
4. 2 eggs whites
5. 1 slice of bread ripped up soaked in about 1 tbsp skim milk
6. 1 tbsp dried italian seasoning (rosemary, oregano, basil, parsley)
7. 1/2 tsp salt
8. 1/2 tsp pepper
9. 1 tbsp olive oil
10. 1 tsp water
Homemade Breadcrumbs:
In a blender, place 3/4 cup 1-minute oatmeal, 1/4 cup flaxseed meal, 1/4 cup wheat germ and about 10 or so crackers (i.e. Ritz wheat crackers, Triscuits...whatever you have or want). Blend on a high setting until everything is combined and a fine consistency.
*This makes more breadcrumbs than the recipe calls for so that you can put the rest in the fridge for when you make these meatballs again!
- Mix ingredients 6-10 together and place in microwave for about 15 seconds. Set aside.
- Mix bread, ground chicken and sausage together until almost fully combined.
- In a small, separate bowl slightly beat egg whites together with a fork and pour over meat.
- Add breadcrumbs to mixture.
- Once cooled, pour oil, water and seasoning mixture over breadcrumbs.
- Mix everything together until well combined.
- Roll ping-pong sized balls, place on cookie sheet, and bake at 350 for about 25 minutes (or until meat thermometer reads 165).
Here is Santa posing with the Guilt-Free Meatballs served with Whole Grain Rigatoni.
1. 1 package of 99% Fat-Free Ground Chicken Breast (don't worry, they won't be dry and tasteless!)
2. 2 Sweet Turkey Sausage Links. Remove meat from casings
3. 1/2 - 3/4 cups Homemade Breadcrumbs (recipe below)
4. 2 eggs whites
5. 1 slice of bread ripped up soaked in about 1 tbsp skim milk
6. 1 tbsp dried italian seasoning (rosemary, oregano, basil, parsley)
7. 1/2 tsp salt
8. 1/2 tsp pepper
9. 1 tbsp olive oil
10. 1 tsp water
Homemade Breadcrumbs:
In a blender, place 3/4 cup 1-minute oatmeal, 1/4 cup flaxseed meal, 1/4 cup wheat germ and about 10 or so crackers (i.e. Ritz wheat crackers, Triscuits...whatever you have or want). Blend on a high setting until everything is combined and a fine consistency.
*This makes more breadcrumbs than the recipe calls for so that you can put the rest in the fridge for when you make these meatballs again!
- Mix ingredients 6-10 together and place in microwave for about 15 seconds. Set aside.
- Mix bread, ground chicken and sausage together until almost fully combined.
- In a small, separate bowl slightly beat egg whites together with a fork and pour over meat.
- Add breadcrumbs to mixture.
- Once cooled, pour oil, water and seasoning mixture over breadcrumbs.
- Mix everything together until well combined.
- Roll ping-pong sized balls, place on cookie sheet, and bake at 350 for about 25 minutes (or until meat thermometer reads 165).
Here is Santa posing with the Guilt-Free Meatballs served with Whole Grain Rigatoni.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Fit From The Inside
Aside from thinking in terms of calories in/calories out (that's the weight-loss mindset) there are many other reasons why people should really be cognizant of what they eat. I am NOT saying to cut out sweets and other foods that are commonly craved. What I AM saying is to try to change your current diet to a more clean and natural version. I'm not saying go eat cake, but here's a for instance to back me up...
You could go buy a box of cake, mix it as suggested on the box and then top it with the prepared cake icing (most brands of the icing is usually loaded with 2g TRANS FAT Per Serving!!!)
OR, there's two other options that make this recipe healthier and cleaner.
1. If you're short on time and NEED cake ASAP (sometimes there's cravings that won't go away unless they're indulged a little bit!) you could go the boxed-cake route and use egg whites instead of whole eggs and apple sauce instead of oil. But you have to completely get rid of that container icing! Whisk together about 2 cups powdered sugar, 1/2-1 tsp natural vanilla extract and about 1-2 Tbsp of skim milk until it's at the consistency you desire. NOTE: measurements aren't can manipulate this anyway you wish and can use different flavors of extract.
2. The second option uses the same icing (you HAVE to get rid of the container kind!) but here you will make your cake recipe from scratch. THIS IS THE BEST OPTION BECAUSE YOU HAVE CONTROL OF EXACTLY WHAT GOES IN IT!!!
1 cup shredded coconut (unsweetened)
1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
¾ cup unsalted butter, softened
1 ¼ cups superfine or granulated sugar
1 ½ tsp. baking powder
¾ tsp. salt
2 tsp. vanilla extract
5 large egg whites
2 cups whole wheat pastry flour
1 cup plain yogurt (you can use Greek yogurt for more protein but you will have to thin it a bit with water because it's much thicker)
- Choose either two 9-inch round pans, one 9×13 pan, or 24 cupcakes. Grease pans with butter and flour them thoroughly, or line with parchment paper.
- Throw the coconut and all-purpose flour in a food processor until the pieces are quite small; about 30-60 seconds. (Or you can use 2 cups of coconut flour but that's kind of expensive). Set aside.
- Cream butter, baking powder, sugar, salt and vanilla in a large mixing bowl until fluffy.
- Add the egg whites to the butter mixture one at a time, beating well after each one.
- Stir 2/3 cup of the whole wheat pastry flour into the batter, then a ½ cup yogurt, then 2/3 cup more flour, ½ cup yogurt, and the final 2/3 cup flour, mixing well between each addition. Scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl as well between each ingredient.
- Add the coconut and flour mixture all at once, stirring until the batter is evenly mixed.
- Pour into your prepared pans and bake in a preheated oven at 350F.
- Cool for 15 minutes, remove from pan and place on cooling rack. Cool completely before frosting.
This is just one example of how you can make a change to a better, healthier and cleaner option WITHOUT having to completely omit something you love from your life! For some people, cake makes everything better (honestly, someone told me that before)... So go ahead and eat your CLEANED UP CAKE and try to make small changes like this with the rest of your recipes! There's nothing more effective to getting fit on the outside than starting with what goes inside. ;)
You could go buy a box of cake, mix it as suggested on the box and then top it with the prepared cake icing (most brands of the icing is usually loaded with 2g TRANS FAT Per Serving!!!)
OR, there's two other options that make this recipe healthier and cleaner.
1. If you're short on time and NEED cake ASAP (sometimes there's cravings that won't go away unless they're indulged a little bit!) you could go the boxed-cake route and use egg whites instead of whole eggs and apple sauce instead of oil. But you have to completely get rid of that container icing! Whisk together about 2 cups powdered sugar, 1/2-1 tsp natural vanilla extract and about 1-2 Tbsp of skim milk until it's at the consistency you desire. NOTE: measurements aren't can manipulate this anyway you wish and can use different flavors of extract.
2. The second option uses the same icing (you HAVE to get rid of the container kind!) but here you will make your cake recipe from scratch. THIS IS THE BEST OPTION BECAUSE YOU HAVE CONTROL OF EXACTLY WHAT GOES IN IT!!!
1 cup shredded coconut (unsweetened)
1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
¾ cup unsalted butter, softened
1 ¼ cups superfine or granulated sugar
1 ½ tsp. baking powder
¾ tsp. salt
2 tsp. vanilla extract
5 large egg whites
2 cups whole wheat pastry flour
1 cup plain yogurt (you can use Greek yogurt for more protein but you will have to thin it a bit with water because it's much thicker)
- Choose either two 9-inch round pans, one 9×13 pan, or 24 cupcakes. Grease pans with butter and flour them thoroughly, or line with parchment paper.
- Throw the coconut and all-purpose flour in a food processor until the pieces are quite small; about 30-60 seconds. (Or you can use 2 cups of coconut flour but that's kind of expensive). Set aside.
- Cream butter, baking powder, sugar, salt and vanilla in a large mixing bowl until fluffy.
- Add the egg whites to the butter mixture one at a time, beating well after each one.
- Stir 2/3 cup of the whole wheat pastry flour into the batter, then a ½ cup yogurt, then 2/3 cup more flour, ½ cup yogurt, and the final 2/3 cup flour, mixing well between each addition. Scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl as well between each ingredient.
- Add the coconut and flour mixture all at once, stirring until the batter is evenly mixed.
- Pour into your prepared pans and bake in a preheated oven at 350F.
- 9-inch rounds or cupcakes: 21-23 minutes
- 9×13 pan: 30-33 minutes
- Cool for 15 minutes, remove from pan and place on cooling rack. Cool completely before frosting.
This is just one example of how you can make a change to a better, healthier and cleaner option WITHOUT having to completely omit something you love from your life! For some people, cake makes everything better (honestly, someone told me that before)... So go ahead and eat your CLEANED UP CAKE and try to make small changes like this with the rest of your recipes! There's nothing more effective to getting fit on the outside than starting with what goes inside. ;)
Saturday, December 15, 2012
I wrote this post up a few days ago while I was on my way back home to NJ from Cali. I flew out of Santa Barbara, CA 1 1/2 hours to Phoenix, AZ to experience a 1 1/2 hour delay. The delay followed by another 5 hour flight to Newark, NJ gave me A LOT of thinking and writing time! It also offered much time for things to go wrong.
The delay wasn't too bad and the screaming kid directly behind me was understandable (and more frustrating for the poor mother traveling alone with her). But once the extreme turbulence hit (and scared the shit out of me) it went downhill! Once that calmed down the flight attendant took my drink order and retrieved my HOT you see where I am going with this? Not even 1 minute after getting my drink, and only after taking 1 sip, I spilled the steaming hot tea all over my legs!!!
Holy shit did that hurt!? I had to get a bag of ice and go sit in the bathroom because my legs were red, blotchy and burning! But let me back up a bit so I can tie my story to the point of my post.
My husband and I were traveling together but did not get seated next to each other because our booking got jacked up.
Back to my story...
As soon as I burnt myself I immediately looked for my hubby for help (and for someone to whine to). He was in his own little world with his headphones on watching a movie and facing away from the chaos. I took care of myself and survived my traumatic and humiliating experience (despite the flight attendant suggesting she give me a blanket to wrap around myself as I pulled my pants down to put ice directly on my legs...BTW, I OPTED AGAINST HER SUGGESTION!)
All of this made me realize that I had, at some point in the last couple of years, given up too much of my independence. As soon as something went wrong I looked for someone else to fix it and make it better. I didn't like that feeling. I love knowing my hubby will be there for real life challenges but I did not like letting myself feel like I needed him (or anyone) to take care of my petty problems.
I'm a big girl and can handle myself. Keeping your independence in life can greatly attribute to having confidence in life...and in the gym. That little incident put me back on track and I have realized since then that I have toughened-up my workouts a bit. Make sure you always keep your big girl pants on so you can handle things that go wrong without having to always have someone to lean on.
The delay wasn't too bad and the screaming kid directly behind me was understandable (and more frustrating for the poor mother traveling alone with her). But once the extreme turbulence hit (and scared the shit out of me) it went downhill! Once that calmed down the flight attendant took my drink order and retrieved my HOT you see where I am going with this? Not even 1 minute after getting my drink, and only after taking 1 sip, I spilled the steaming hot tea all over my legs!!!
Holy shit did that hurt!? I had to get a bag of ice and go sit in the bathroom because my legs were red, blotchy and burning! But let me back up a bit so I can tie my story to the point of my post.
My husband and I were traveling together but did not get seated next to each other because our booking got jacked up.
Back to my story...
As soon as I burnt myself I immediately looked for my hubby for help (and for someone to whine to). He was in his own little world with his headphones on watching a movie and facing away from the chaos. I took care of myself and survived my traumatic and humiliating experience (despite the flight attendant suggesting she give me a blanket to wrap around myself as I pulled my pants down to put ice directly on my legs...BTW, I OPTED AGAINST HER SUGGESTION!)
All of this made me realize that I had, at some point in the last couple of years, given up too much of my independence. As soon as something went wrong I looked for someone else to fix it and make it better. I didn't like that feeling. I love knowing my hubby will be there for real life challenges but I did not like letting myself feel like I needed him (or anyone) to take care of my petty problems.
I'm a big girl and can handle myself. Keeping your independence in life can greatly attribute to having confidence in life...and in the gym. That little incident put me back on track and I have realized since then that I have toughened-up my workouts a bit. Make sure you always keep your big girl pants on so you can handle things that go wrong without having to always have someone to lean on.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Had A SICK Friday Workout Following A Memorable Legs Session...
In the spring, summer and even early-fall I found myself stepping outside my comfort zone (i.e. treadmill) and taking my cardio sessions outside. Now that's it's mid-December it's just not quite as easy to put myself through it because I cannot stand the cold. The weather wasn't too bad so I took a short jog outside yesterday afternoon because my legs were feeling a bit stiff after my morning legs session. Today, however, I kept it inside for my cardio. I don't do 40 degrees or below!
Despite still feeling the intense leg workout I put myself through yesterday I had an equally tough cardio/abs session today.
Weighted walking lunges (forward and back)
Weighted side-squats
Single-leg bridge on BOSU ball
Stability stands on (flat side of) BOSU ball
Hamstring curls on stability ball
180 degree squat jumps
Donkey calf raises *
Abductors *
Adductors *
*Performed active rest of quick squats, quick plie squats w/raised heels, jump lunges*
(NOTE: I color-coded supersets)
1. Run 1 mile (7.5 speed), stop TREADMILL and drop to floor
2. 30 sec Plank, 30 sec Left-Side Plank, 30 sec Right-Side Plank
3. Perform steps 1 & 2 five times until you reach 5 miles (if you can't do that distance than feel free to adjust accordingly...if you can only do 2 miles, for instance, run 1/2 mile, do the planks than repeat until you complete 2 miles)
Followed my run with 15 minutes on the STEPPER (level 12)
After your cardio, finish your workout off with some abs work
a. Crunches on stability ball
b. Oblique crunches on stability ball
c. Plank with stability ball pull-ins (put ball under feet and pull your knees towards your chest)
Superset a-c, rep to failure switching up speed (slow and fast), complete 3 sets.
d. Hanging leg lifts
e. Weighted standing side-crunches (hold a weight in your right hand, bend to the right, come to upright position. switch sides after finishing reps)
f. Reverse crunches
Superset d-f, rep to failure switching up speed (slow and fast), 3 sets.
After my workout I picked my son up from the daycare room, went home and got ready for my day of training clients and raising an amazing little boy!
Despite still feeling the intense leg workout I put myself through yesterday I had an equally tough cardio/abs session today.
Weighted side-squats
Single-leg bridge on BOSU ball
Stability stands on (flat side of) BOSU ball
Hamstring curls on stability ball
180 degree squat jumps
Donkey calf raises *
Abductors *
Adductors *
*Performed active rest of quick squats, quick plie squats w/raised heels, jump lunges*
(NOTE: I color-coded supersets)
2. 30 sec Plank, 30 sec Left-Side Plank, 30 sec Right-Side Plank
3. Perform steps 1 & 2 five times until you reach 5 miles (if you can't do that distance than feel free to adjust accordingly...if you can only do 2 miles, for instance, run 1/2 mile, do the planks than repeat until you complete 2 miles)
Followed my run with 15 minutes on the STEPPER (level 12)
After your cardio, finish your workout off with some abs work
a. Crunches on stability ball
b. Oblique crunches on stability ball
c. Plank with stability ball pull-ins (put ball under feet and pull your knees towards your chest)
Superset a-c, rep to failure switching up speed (slow and fast), complete 3 sets.
d. Hanging leg lifts
e. Weighted standing side-crunches (hold a weight in your right hand, bend to the right, come to upright position. switch sides after finishing reps)
f. Reverse crunches
Superset d-f, rep to failure switching up speed (slow and fast), 3 sets.
After my workout I picked my son up from the daycare room, went home and got ready for my day of training clients and raising an amazing little boy!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Quick, Easy and Nutrient-Packed Meal!
Last night I made a quick and delicious meal that even my husband loved! He always tells me that he likes everything I make, but I'm no fool...I know that can't be true because I have had my share of epic fails in the kitchen! Some things turned out so bad that I took one bite and threw it away before anyone else could experience how bad it was!
But, last night was different because he kept telling me it was delicious and I could sense the sincerity in his voice and expressions. :) Plus, I'm pretty sure he was guilty of eating un-healthy during the day and he was relieved I made a nutritious meal.
Yesterday's dinner was actually made over the course of 24 hours. I made a chickpea salad, grilled chicken and a rice/quinoa pilaf that serves about 3-4 people depending on appetite!
1 can of chickpeas
1/2 cucumber
2 carrots
1/4 Edamame
1/2 red onion
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 tsp Balsamic Vinegar
Salt and Pepper
2 Chicken Breasts
1 Bottle of Italian Dressing or Marinade
Chicken Broth
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
Here's why it was quick, yet, took 24 hours...
Chickpea Salad
Pour one can of chickpeas in a colander, rinse, and leave it there in the sink.
Small dice 2 peeled carrots. Put them in a bowl with about 5 tbsp water. Add about 1/4 cup frozen edamame. Throw it in the microwave for about 60-90 seconds, pour it over the chickpeas in the same colander and let it cool.
Small dice about 1/2 of one red onion, place in a bowl (tip: use the same one you microwaved the veggies in).
Small dice about 1/2 of one cucumber, add to onions in bowl.
Once the hot veggies cool slightly (doesn't have to be completely), combine everything. Add about 1 tbsp (or more if desired) of extra virgin olive oil, 1 tsp balsamic vinegar, and salt and pepper to taste. Mix it all up until well combined. Cover and put in the fridge. SERVE IT THE NEXT DAY.
Quick Grilled Chicken
I took 2 chicken breasts and cut them in about 1/2-inch slices (cross-ways, not long-ways...that's technical terms!).
Throw all pieces in a zip top bag. Pour an Italian dressing/marinade over and make sure each piece is swimming in the marinade. I used a low-fat version which also cut back on the calories and sugar.
Place bag of chicken in the fridge to marinate OVERNIGHT.
The day of EATING this meal you have minimal work to do (the prep the night before was pretty easy too!) Here's what you have left to do:
Either buy a blend of quinoa and rice so that they can cook together OR make a serving of quinoa and a serving of rice then combine. I didn't have a blended one so I made them separate.
Cook the quinoa according to the directions but use fat-free, low-sodium chicken broth instead of water. When done, pour in a bowl. Using the same pot, pour 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil and heat up. As the pan is heating, slice 1 clove of garlic. Add to pot and then pour in the rice and chicken broth (instead of water) and cook according to package. When the rice and quinoa are done cooking mix them together in the same bowl, add 1/4 cup raisins, about 1/8-1/4 cup of chopped walnuts and a little more salt and pepper (if desired).
*Note, if you have a quinoa/rice blend then follow the rice directions (ie heat the oil, add garlic, etc.)*
Now, all you have left is to cook the chicken. This will take very little time because you sliced the pieces so thin. Heat up a large pan or flat-top grill pan, lightly spray with cooking spray. Make sure it's hot enough that you will hear a sizzle sound as soon as you put your chicken on it. This will give a yummy caramelization and even more flavor! After about 3 minutes (or if you sense sooner) flip and cook the other side for another 3 minutes. Make sure chicken is completely cooked through before eating.
But, last night was different because he kept telling me it was delicious and I could sense the sincerity in his voice and expressions. :) Plus, I'm pretty sure he was guilty of eating un-healthy during the day and he was relieved I made a nutritious meal.
Yesterday's dinner was actually made over the course of 24 hours. I made a chickpea salad, grilled chicken and a rice/quinoa pilaf that serves about 3-4 people depending on appetite!
1 can of chickpeas
1/2 cucumber
2 carrots
1/4 Edamame
1/2 red onion
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 tsp Balsamic Vinegar
Salt and Pepper
2 Chicken Breasts
1 Bottle of Italian Dressing or Marinade
Chicken Broth
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
Here's why it was quick, yet, took 24 hours...
Chickpea Salad
Pour one can of chickpeas in a colander, rinse, and leave it there in the sink.
Small dice 2 peeled carrots. Put them in a bowl with about 5 tbsp water. Add about 1/4 cup frozen edamame. Throw it in the microwave for about 60-90 seconds, pour it over the chickpeas in the same colander and let it cool.
Small dice about 1/2 of one red onion, place in a bowl (tip: use the same one you microwaved the veggies in).
Small dice about 1/2 of one cucumber, add to onions in bowl.
Once the hot veggies cool slightly (doesn't have to be completely), combine everything. Add about 1 tbsp (or more if desired) of extra virgin olive oil, 1 tsp balsamic vinegar, and salt and pepper to taste. Mix it all up until well combined. Cover and put in the fridge. SERVE IT THE NEXT DAY.
Quick Grilled Chicken
I took 2 chicken breasts and cut them in about 1/2-inch slices (cross-ways, not long-ways...that's technical terms!).
Throw all pieces in a zip top bag. Pour an Italian dressing/marinade over and make sure each piece is swimming in the marinade. I used a low-fat version which also cut back on the calories and sugar.
Place bag of chicken in the fridge to marinate OVERNIGHT.
The day of EATING this meal you have minimal work to do (the prep the night before was pretty easy too!) Here's what you have left to do:
Either buy a blend of quinoa and rice so that they can cook together OR make a serving of quinoa and a serving of rice then combine. I didn't have a blended one so I made them separate.
Cook the quinoa according to the directions but use fat-free, low-sodium chicken broth instead of water. When done, pour in a bowl. Using the same pot, pour 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil and heat up. As the pan is heating, slice 1 clove of garlic. Add to pot and then pour in the rice and chicken broth (instead of water) and cook according to package. When the rice and quinoa are done cooking mix them together in the same bowl, add 1/4 cup raisins, about 1/8-1/4 cup of chopped walnuts and a little more salt and pepper (if desired).
*Note, if you have a quinoa/rice blend then follow the rice directions (ie heat the oil, add garlic, etc.)*
Now, all you have left is to cook the chicken. This will take very little time because you sliced the pieces so thin. Heat up a large pan or flat-top grill pan, lightly spray with cooking spray. Make sure it's hot enough that you will hear a sizzle sound as soon as you put your chicken on it. This will give a yummy caramelization and even more flavor! After about 3 minutes (or if you sense sooner) flip and cook the other side for another 3 minutes. Make sure chicken is completely cooked through before eating.
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